Chapter 21

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Anna's POV

I woke up at around 10:30. Cameron must have woke up early today because he wasn't next to me. I got up and brushed my teeth and hair then I threw it up in a messy bun. I grabbed a sweatshirt and put it on because it was freezing. I walk out of my room and I smelt bacon! YUMMMM!

"cameron I smell it, what have you done!" I said as I walked into the kitchen and I saw the table had pancakes, bacon, fruit, and Apple juice. I didn't see cam though. I grabbed a piece of bacon and continued to search for him.

"Cam?" I said then I saw a note on the door it read

Dear Anna,

It's Cam you could probably tell. I hope you like the breakfast I know you love bacon. Don't jump to much. I know your ticklish. Love you!<3

from Cam

What did he mean by "don't jump too much"?? Just then I felt hands wrap around my torso.


"I love you!" He said and he put me in a chair at the table.

"thank you for scaring the shit out of me. but this bacon makes up for it!" I said while shoving another piece of bacon in my mouth.

"I love you" he said again. he gets mad wen I don't say it back and it makes me laugh.

"these pancakes are good too!!" I said while totally ignoring his I love you's.

"I LOVE YOU" he said louder and clearly getting irritated. I laughed and stood up and walked over to him. I bent down and kissed him neck.

"I love you too. Your cute when your mad." I whispered. I walked back and we finished eating. The moving guys were bringing Cams stuff since he was to lazy to. They arrived and they brought everything in to the apartment. We were unpacking his stuff and I found a journal I opened the to first page and saw it was his diary type thing. I decided not to read it so I just threw it at him.

"hide in well or I'll read it.!" I said

"I will, because most of it's about you." he said and he made the puma face after. I started laughing.

"that was hot." I said still laughing.

"I know" he said as he put trophies and awards into his closet.

"what are those from?" I asked. he turned around and sighed

"they are my dad's" he said with tears in his eyes.

"Cameron I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.." I was cut of by him hugging me.

"I should probably tell you what happened." he said still hugging me.

"You don't have.." he cut me off again but I'm okay with it right now.

"I want to." he said silently crying into my shoulder. I could feel the tears slipping from his eyes and landing on my skin. He sat his head up and we went to my room set in on the bed. He looked up at me and another tear slowly ran down his cheek. I wiped it off and he started talking.

"When I was 8 me and my..." he was stopped by his emotions. I once again wiped his tears away.

"sorry." he whispered

"it okay."

"me and my dad.. were going fishing and um well we were gone all dad and we were on our way home and we called my mother telling her we were almost home..." cameron paused for a minute wipe away his tear and took a deep breath.

"my dad um dropped his phone down by his foot. he went down to pick it up and well a semi crashed into us. the car flipped across the highway and I successfully caught his phone then I started going in and out of consciousness. I looked up and saw my dad lying there on the pavement beside me In a puddle of blood. I told him I loved him and that was the last time I saw him smile..." he was full on crying by now and I was too. I hugged him and he held me tighter then ever. he started talking again.

"I was in a hospital bed next to him and I was awake but he wasn't. his chest was moving slowly up and down along with the monitor. my mom helped me into my wheel chair because I broke my leg and shoulder. she wheeled me to him and his chest started moving slower and slower untill it stopped. he stopped. everything around me stopped except the monitor the line went dead he was gone. my mom hugged me but I didn't move. I just sat there and watched the doctors try and get a pulse back and then they stopped trying. they quit and covered him up and escorted us out of the room." he said still hugging me. I pulled away and looked at him.

"I'm sorry Cameron." I said

"it's okay he is in a better place now and we were never good at fishing anyway!" he said. somehow he always finds a way to make things positive. that's one reason I want to marry him. He doesn't know that though. His birthday is while we are at Magcon so maybe we could do something special.

"kiss me. right now just do it." he said laughing

"what why?" I said confused

" just do it " he said

"okay??" I said a little nervous. I leaned in and planted him lips on mine. his tongue entered my mouth and his tickled the roof of my mouth with it. I pulled away quickly.

"What was that??" I said laughing

"I tickled you!" he said.

"goodness I love you. but come with me real quick" I said pulling him into the bathroom. I couldn't stand seeing his tear stained cheeks. I got a wet wash cloth and patted the counter, showing him to sit there. I wiped off his cheeks and he got down and grabbed the washcloth away from me. he lifted me up and started wiping mine.

"thank you" we both say in unison. the we started laughing.

"holy shit. my birthday is during magcon!" he said

"ya!" I said

"what are you getting me?"

"oh just a little somthing" I said. I'm planning on getting him...


LONGG CHAPTERRR! But Jacob Followed one of my many twitters. first time I got noticed! I'm so happy! so two
Updates in less than 24hrs!


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