Chapter 22

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Cams POV

"well what are you getting me??" I asked.

"it's a secret and if I tell you it would ruin the suprise!" she said.

"WE NEED TO PACK!" I said practically screaming, and running around the room.

"okay! okay!!" she said grabbing my shoulders causing me to stop running.

"what" I asked

"calm down Cam, we have to get up at 3am and I have already packed!" she said getting into the bed.

"help me pack... I don't know what to wear." I whined

"okay." she said getting up and going to one of my drawers. "pack this!!" she said holding up my nike pro underwear.

"haha whatever, I meant clothes!" I told her laughing and putting the underwear in the suitcase.

•later that night•

Anna's POV

We just got done watching supernatural. We were a little obsessed, my phone started ringing. It was Bart!

"Hey Bart!" I answered looking at Cam. He said that there was going to be a prom at magcon this week because half of us are missing ours to go. I told Cam the information. I realized I would have to slow dance. I don't know how to do that!!!

"Cam, I don't know how to slow dance." I said embarrassed hoping he did.

"come here" he giggled grabbing my hand leading me to the open space in my. I mean our room! (I love saying that) He plugged his phone into my speakers and played a slow song. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close were my chest was on.. or under his. HE IS TALL COMPARE TO ME!

"I'll teach the waltz first even though we probably won't be doing it. You still need to know" he said smiling.

"stand on my feet" he said

" you don't have shoes on!"

I informed him as he slipped on dress shoes from our closet.

"Now, step on my feet and just let me do all the work." he said as he grabbed my right hand in his and put his left hand on my lower back. He started moving across the floor as my legs were forced to mirror. I stepped on to the ground and started doing it myself. Our bodies moved in sink as we stared into eachother a eyes. Our movement slowly stopped and he leaned down while not breaking our bodies away from eachother. His lips gently landed on mine and then we got more into it. I threw my hands around his neck as he put his hands on my lower back. As the kiss got more intense I grabbed his hair and slighty pulled in the direction of the bed. This kiss broke a part not one time as we tore off each other's clothes. We had only our underwear on.

"I'm ready" I whispered through the kiss and Cameron kissed me one more time as he unlatched my bra and threw it to the ground. He made a trail of kisses from my lips to my jaw, neck, chest, hips, and when he made it to my panties he put two fingers on one side and bit the next slipping them off. I slid the condom on his large cock. Then it happened. I lost my Virginity to Cameron Dallas.


Shorter Chapter this time but MAGCON next chaptaa AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 350 reads!😭❤️ Love you guys!❤️ ~Lizzie











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