Chapter 20

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Cameron's POV

3days later.

Mom has a broken arm. but she is getting better then bruises have faded. We have Magcon in 3days and Anna's dad's in jail. Me and Anna are moving into an apartment together and we are starting with her stuff today. Our apartment is right on the beach and it's really big for an apartment. I'm heading to Anna's to help her pack up right now. I pulled up and I could see her through her window. I got out and walked in and when to her room I was trying to be quiet so I could sneak in on her. I looked in her room from the hall way and saw she was changing. perfect timing Cam! I walked in and walked behind her grabbed her waist and kissed her neck. I was turning her on I could tell cause she tilted her head giving me permission to keep going.

"Cameron" she moaned. I love the way she says my name especially when she moans it out. I hit her sweet spot and she moaned again. She pulled off my shirt since she already was in her bra and underwear I just picked her up and led her too the bed. I climbed on top of her and kissed her lips. I licked her bottom one asking to enter. Her tongue fought mine for dominance, I won. she tugged at my basketball shorts and I smiled through the kiss. she took off my shorts then snapped my underwear elastic against my skin. I instantly got hard. oops! she was teasing me.

"Are you sure you want to do this" I asked her. hoping her answer would be yes.

"Nope we gotta move my crap to our new house then you can rock my world!" she said as she slid out from under neath me.

"you tease!!" I said while laughing.

"I do it best!" she replyed as she kissed me and turned back around to look for what to wear.

"not just yet" I said as I grabbed her waist and turned her around. I pulled her so close that there was not even an inch between us. I kissed her then she moved her hips backward.

"what?" I asked

"It's weird feeling your boner on me." she giggled.

"it's your fault!" I said causing her to blush and I put my shorts back on but left my shirt off because I was hot. She was still searching for something to wear, so I decided to help her a little. I picked her up and put her on her bed.

"wait here" I said

"why?" she asked

"I'm helping you!" I said smiling causing her to worry a bit. I went to her dresser and pulled out a tank top and some athletic shorts. I threw them to her and she smiled.

"thank you!" she said as she put them on

I started putting stuff in boxes and putting them in my trunk. After I carried all of the boxes down all that was left was the furniture in her room. My mom got us a moving guy to get those so we left and headed to the apartment.

"your sleeping with me tonight." she said.

" I was hoping to every night and use my room as a guest room?" I said hoping she would agree.

"good cause it's not the same sleeping without you." she said kissing my cheek.

3hours later.

every thing was unpacked and out away from her house. the moving guy brought all the furniture not to long after we got here. Right now me and Anna are laying in her floor talking about Magcon. i don't know why we are in the floor we just ended up there after we finished. Magcon is in South Carolina this time and it's near the beach.

"Cameron? are we rooming with Taylor again?" she asked

"I think we are rooming with Nash. But this is a nicer hotel so the rooms are really big apparently from what Bart told me" I told her. I'm glad we are rooming with Nash cause we got pretty close last time.

"let's get in the bed it getting late and I don't want to fall asleep in the floor." I said hoping we could finish what we started earlier.

"Help me up" she said while stretching out her arms. I grabbed them and pulled her up as she kissed my cheek and ran into the kitchen.

"That's not the bed." I whined

"I know" she said soon walking back in with a cup of water.

"this is for your thirsty ass" she handed me the water. she obviously knew what I wanted.

"thank you but I want something else!" I whined.

"juice?" she said and giggled

"no something else!" I said

"I'm too tired." she said
she always talks me out of it. I don't know why. maybe she is a virgin. haha.

"are you scared?" I asked while laughing.

"cam." she said very serious.
yep that answers my question. virgin it is.

"I promise I won't hurt you. I'll be gentle." I said hugging her waist.

"tomorrow. You can wait another day to get all this!" she said while sending me into a laughing fit.

"okay babe. but tomorrow I will rock your world." I said still laughing.

"alright. I love you Cam."
she said as she kissed me. passionately. I could tell she was sorry for teasing me because she put all her emotions into that kiss. I moved my hands down to her shorts and I tied them because it gets on my nerves when they aren't tied. When the kiss broke off she look ed at me and laughed.

"your a weirdo!" she said looking down at the perfect little bow I had just tied. it kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight beautiful" i said and she turned over and I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close and we both drifted asleep with smiles on our faces.



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