Chapter 25

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Anna's POV

Shawn walked in and was pacing around the room silent grabbing his hair and pulling.

"Shawn tell us what's wrong." Cam said

"Aaliyah is in the hospital. and I can't find Lyn." he said.

"she is at the Starbucks downstairs she told me to tell you I forgot sorry..." I said

Shawn ran out of the room.

Lyns POV

I was in the elevator and I Shawn hopped in immediately. He was crying.

"Shawn are you okay what's wrong??" I asked

"Aaliyah is has been diagnosed with Cancer." he said

"I have to go to Canada to see her. I'm sorry. I'm leaving tomorrow." he said still bawling but into my neck because we were now hugging.

"I'm coming with you." I said pulling him out of the elevator into the room. He sat on the bed as I put our stuff in our suitcases. I walked back over to him and just hugged him. We hugged for a good hour as I whispered it's okay, she will be okay, she is strong, be strong for her, etc. he just cried into my shoulder untill he dried out. he ran out of tears. We layed down and I latched my arms around is shirtless abdomen and he played with my hair untill we fell alseep. I really love this guy.<3


I haven't told my parents I'm in canada with Shawn but mom will be ok with it because she loves him. We are waiting in the parking lot.

"I can't go in there. I don't want to cry Infront of her. I need her to know it's okay and that I'm scared about her life. If I cry she will think that I think she will die. I only cry because I don't want her to suffer." he said

"your strong and if you tear up just excuse your self, but you need to see her to show you care." after I said that we got out and held hands into the building.

"What room is Aaliyah Mendes in?" Shawn said

"are you family sir?" the lady at the front desk said.

"Yes. brother and girlfriend" he said clenching his jaws and squeezing his hand.

"room 113" she said all snotty. We were walking down to the room and he hasn't loosened up his grip it's actually gotten tighter.

"Shawn are you okay?" I said

"Sorry I'm just worried." He said and looked down at our hands. He let go walked behind me and slowly slipped his giant hand in my tiny palm.

"I wanted to give that hand a breather I squeezed it pretty hard I'm sorry." he said grinning and kissing my forehead.

"it's okay Shawn" I said. He kisses my forehead a lot because 1.) he is ALOT taller then me and 2.) he likes to save real kissing for romantic and special moments. I think that's cute.

We got to the room and his mom came out and stopped us. She was crying.

"mom?" shawn said

"We found out almost to late. She has a brain tumor and doesn't have long Shawn. and she knows it." she said.

Shawn bursted into tears he ran into Aaliyah's hospital room and saw something unimaginable.



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