Cameron's Date❤️

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Date chapter❤️


Cams POV

We are almost to the theater and she looks bored, i grabbed her hand and intertwined them. I got tingles, embarrassing but true.


It's half way through the movie and her head is rested on my shoulder. We are watching a chick flick and i don't even know what's going on, I wasn't really watching. I was trying to come up with a way to tell her I love her.


The movie is over and she was crying, apperently very good. We got back to the hotel and Nash was in our room since we wanted to be alone. We got in, I lifted her up bridal style and layed her down. I turned on Finding Nemo.

"Cameron I'm cold..." Anna said while tugging on the covers under us. I got up and put the covers over us.

"better babe?" I said while pecking her cheek.

"a little, your body is warm though." she said with goosebumps on her cheeks and a smile.

I jumped up and took off my shirt and changed in to some of Nash's sweatpants, and layed back down. I curled up next to her and she smiled "perfect temp now" she said smiling up at me. I leaned down and kissed her. passionately, more then just a normal kiss. I took this as a sign. I need to tell her. "I love you Anna" I told her while our foreheads touched. She smiled and pecked me in between each word she said "I...(peck)!" I smiled and pulled her closer and she nuzzled her head into my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and he leaned up and kiss my neck. I tilted my head down and kissed her forehead. soon we drifted off into peaceful sleep.


I tricked you into thinking both were gonna be in this chapter. OOPS I LIED! love you. next chapter will be Taylor and Lizzie's date. Where should they go?? ~liz😎 xoxo

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