"You should go back to your natural hair color." I've spent months trying to convince Jessie to go back to being a brunette. She complains that she looked less like a brunette and more like a blonde which is a nightmare to her. "You don't understand, your hair is darker." She says.

Thanks to my mom's light brown hair and blonde highlights and my dad's dark brown hair I have a combination of medium brown hair and light brown highlights. Jessie's hair is only a few shades lighter than mine which in my opinion, is nothing to complain about. But as annoyed as it made me to think about how ruined and torn her natural color must be, I didn't fight it.

For her first Suncrest High football game, Jessie decided we should do something "fun". And that fun ended up being three gigantics posters that spelled out the words "Kiss Me Anderson".  Now I know that you're probably muttering the word "whore" under your breath or writing it in the margin of the book but let me just say it's not what you think. My posted originally said "Anderson", Alison's poster said the number "42" and Jessie's said "Go Bulldogs!". But once we were seated in the stadium behind our school and the crowd intensity level increased, they revealed the other sides of their signs. It was a joke-I'll admit that; but I didn't want Eric to get any ideas.

The opposing team managed to keep the score tied or in their favor. The Suncrest High Bulldogs have always been the team to beat but today the quarterback wasn't focused.

"Why are we even here?" Jessie groaned in frustration as she kept track of the score.

"We're here to be motivating and supportive."

I would've explained that I promised Eric I'd come but after hearing the objective of the day, Jessie let out a series of cheers.

"Come on bulldogs! Let's kick some ass." She shouted. "Where's your spirit today boys!"

I was completely sure the crowd of attention Jessie was getting wasn't a good sign. But after seeing her encourage the team, more people propped themselves up adding to Jessie's cheers. Soon she had everyone on the bleachers yelling and hollering in favor of the Suncrest High Bulldogs. It was only right that I get up and join the excitement; I held up my "Anderson" poster, which caught Eric's eye after his team scored a point. But when I followed his gaze I caught at the posters Jessie and Alison had created. Witnessing it all, Emily tried her best to convince them to drop them posters but she didn't stress it after realizing the joke behind it.

After the second quarter, the Bulldogs' quarterback claimed to be injured and the coach made Eric step in for him. From the bleachers I could hear Eric protesting that quarterback wasn't his rightful position on the team. He argued that someone else on the team should step in for the quarterback but the coach wouldn't budge. After Eric suited up and the game started, the Bulldogs were scoring points from left to right. Whenever Eric got his hands on the ball, the only way you could get it out is after he's already scored. He was playing better than the team's original quarterback who looked outraged as he screamed from the bench not far from the field. During the break between the third and final quarters the cheerleaders ran out to the field to congragulate the team. All I saw was pompoms, short skirts and Lizzie Miller kissing Eric Anderson.

So this part is probably confusing to you guys as you're probably wondering why I would leave such an intense game. But the truth is I got a really bad feeling in my stomach and needed to get out of there. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, but Lizzie Miller can hardly get enough of my brother. She's always trying to make plans for them to "hang out" or she's asking me twenty one questions about him. Eric gets the spotlight for one game and she can hardly keep away from his pants.

"She's a gold digger," Jessie said once we were in the car. "She fishes for fortune or fame in a guy, and when she can't find it she moves on."

I didn't really want to talk about the game anymore or Lizzie Miller but Emily had an entire essay to say. She was annoyed by the fact that Lizzie tries to break her and Adam up everyday as if she's that interested in him.

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