"I'll be there in a sec!" Reichiru called to Honey.

"Sounds like you're going to have to go." Kasanoda said.

"Oh no- I'm going over to your house. Besides, I need a break from Hikaru and Kaoru 'protecting' me from every little coughing person we walk past."

"You still have to take the limo, they're not letting you out of their sight, especially since it started snowing."

Reichiru looked out the window, seeing the fluffy white flakes falling softly down from the sky. "Well, they can't stop me if they don't know that I'm going." Reichiru stated as she started to pull the phone away from her ear with a devious smirk on her face.

"Rei, no! Don't you dare do-" he broke off coughing, and when his voice returned it was slightly strained. "Do what I think you're doing!" He continued to cough as Reichiru hung up the phone.

She slipped her phone into her school bag and walked out to the main room, her smile till on her face, though she managed to make it less devious. "I need to head to the restroom before we head off, alright?" She asked, and she walked out of the room, making her way right past the bathrooms and headed outside of the school. She took her coat out of her school bag as she continued walking across the campus towards the gate.

"Hey, Rei, is that you?" Hikaru's voice made it's way towards her ears, and she quickened her pace, knowing that by now Hikaru and Kaoru had spotted her form the host club room.

I should of left through the other gate. She thought to herself.

"Rei! Get back here! You'll get sick out there!" Kaoru called, and Reichiru broke into a run, getting past the gates and running the direction Kasanoda's house was.

It took half an hour before she reached his house, and by the time she had reached the front gate she felt cold to the bone and the back of her throat was burning with the cold air and snowflakes she had breathed in. Walking up to the gate, she saw the doors swing open and she smiled in triumph, Kasanoda had told the people at the house that she was coming.

"I knew there was no way you weren't coming." Kasanoda rasped with a sigh, and Reichiru looked up at the entrance, seeing him standing there in his pajamas, with a bed head and blanket wrapped around him.

"You know you can't stop me." Reichiru said, walking up to him. "You should be in your bed, mister." She scolded mockingly.

"Sure thing, mom." Kasanoda muttered, but he turned around and the two of them walked to his bedroom, passing by some of the gang members as they walked through the hall, and eventually they ended up in Kasanoda's room, she stood in the doorway as he collapsed onto the bed.

"Wow, you really are sick." Reichiru stated with a laugh.

"You heard me over the phone." He said, coughing slightly as he sat up straight.

"True." She said, sitting at the door of his bed.

"I have brought tea for you and your friend, young master." Someone said, and Reichiru looked to see Tetsuya standing with a tray.

"Oh, thanks Tetsuya." Kasanoda said as Tetsuya walked up to the two and handed them the tea.

"Thanks." Reichiru said, looking at him with a smile.

He bowed slightly and turned to leave the room. "I'll leave you and the Young Mistress alone, Young Master." With that he left the room.

"Young... Mistress?" Reichiru asked in confusion, as Kasanoda started freaking out

"He- he's just kidding!" Kasanoda exclaimed, ending in coughs.

Reichiru looked at him, and let out a laugh, "Why are you so flustered, Noda?" She asked in amusement.

"Well- what he called you it meant-" He cut off at the sound of coughing, and it wasn't him. "Rei?"

"I'm fine." She choked out as she kept couching. "I must of swallowed a snowflake."

"That's not swallowing a snowflake coughing." Kasanoda said, placing his mug on his side table and moving closer towards her. He placed a hand on her forehead and his eyes widened. "You idiot. You got yourself sick."

"No I-" She cut off in a fit of coughing and through her half closed eyes, she saw Kasanoda step out of the bed and pick her up, despite being sick himself. A second later, she felt her head be placed on a pillow and covers be placed over her body. "Noda, you don't need to do this." Reichiru rasped.

"Yes I do, now I'm calling your brothers." He picked up his phone and started typing, only to have his phone be hit out of his hand. "Rei, your forehead is burning up and your cough sounds terrible." He said, walking over and picking up his own phone.

Reichiru tried to stay awake to try to stop him, but her eyes suddenly started to get heavy, she made an attempt at fighting it, though she realized sh couldn't move a muscle, and before she knew it, she was asleep.

I'm aware I'm publishing this chapter early, it's mainly because I most likely won't have much free time tomorrow. But, hey, early chapter!! Hope you all enjoyed it everyone!!


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