He/you ask the other out Leo

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The sun is going down as the full moon rises. You don't have much time, but you need to know. You can't wait any longer and if you don't ask now you might chicken out later. If only Leonardo would arrive here on time. With the last rays of the sun disappearing behind the New York skyscrapers you catch a whiff of the blue cladded turtle in the distance. You sprint towards him.

"Leo!" You skid to a halt too fast, trip over your own feet but manage to safe yourself with a somersault, then almost crash right into him.

"Are you alright?" The blue clad turtle is immediately on high alert and looks around him for any potential danger.

You grin up at him, with your teeth sharpening it looks mildly feral. You don't have long before your speech becomes incomprehensible growling. It's now or never! "Leo aahw've been thinkin, an aah recon we'd make a mighty fine pair."

"Excuse me?" Leo's attention snaps fully to you. His face looks so confused. Adorable.

"Aah'm awsekin ya out silly! You're a good fellah, aah'd be mighty privileged if you wanted ta go on a date with me?" You end the sentence questioningly. You're usually a pretty open and confident person but it's nerve wrecking to get those words out. Probably because you really like him.

Ok Leonardo did not expect that. I mean he did notice her flirts and advances. They were quite obvious and deliberate, and he's been trained to pick up on far more subtle body language. But he never imagined she would take the leap and ask him first. He should have really been more prepared for this question considering the high probability, but as it is he's taken aback a bit. Suddenly Leo feels silly for worrying so much about asking her out. Y/n had made it so obvious she liked him. The only thing he has to do now is reciprocate those feelings.

"Oh." Leo smiles wide. Then he starts laughing. 

You are a bit confused but it doesn't sound like a nervous laugh, more a relieved one, so you wait semi patiently in the hope you get your answer before you've fully turned.

After about a minute Leonardo composes himself. "Hahaha I wanted to ask you the same thing. I'll gladly go on a date with you."

You cheer from happiness. Your victory "Woe!" turns into a howl as you transform rapidly.

You excitedly run laps around him, tail wagging all the while. You can plan your date later, right now it's time for hunting. And you've got your new date to catch.


Autors note: It's shorter than I like. Again I can't write Leo for shit for some reason. Poor guy. I really like him and then this happens. Mikey will probably suffer the same fate for this one :(   oh well.. I'm probably gonna take a break from this story after I got the rest of When he asks you out/you ask him out uploaded. Kinda wanna write about some other stuff. Might revisit in the future since I do still have ideas for it...well for the other turtles anyway. Poor Leo.

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