Donnie part II

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Donatello is dressed up in a wizards robe in front of a web-cam, the image only being send to you. You are on one of his screens dressed up as a thief. Another of his screens holds an elaborate map of nonexistant locations. A few more voices come trough the speakers telling a story, ocationally you roll dice. Thats right, you're playing Dungeons&Dragons.

"Alchemy is but for the weak minded unable to master the arcane arts! Take this fireball!" Donatello is so in caracter he has thrown away his love for science to become a magic caster.

"There goes the wizard. Burning everything to the ground. Again." You are in caracter as well. As you're a thief you are quite the gold digger, and Don-Elfan(as he calls himself) has been draining your party dry with his expensive spell books, wizard robes and staff's (or fancy sticks as you like to call them to piss Don off) since the start of the campain, so your caracter has a bit of a feud with his.

"It's not like the gold would be worth any less if it's a bit molten." Don-Elfan counters dismissive.

"No. But the expensive carpets this alcemist had hanging around everywhere must have been worth a fortune if I could have just stolen some before you destroyed them all!"

"Seems to me you need to be a better thief then." His grin is super smug.

"I will fight you elf! Dungeon Master!"

"Are you sure you want to fight your team mate in the middle of a hostile camp?" The DM asks with a sigh.

"No." You say dissapointed.

Leo walks in his brothers lab.

"Hey Donnie-Who's this? And why are you dressed up like that?"

"Oh, hi Leo. I'm playing D&D with a friend I've met online."

You wave to the camera. "Hi."

"Online? Are you sure you can trust her to just show yourself like that?"

"Of course. I wouldn't have outed myself to her if I didn't."

"Do you wanna join the campain?" You ask the blue cladded turtle.

"Eehm. No thanks." He answers you before turning back to his brother. "I trust your jugement Don. But please be careful. If there is anything tell us. And bring her over some time, I'm sure we'd all like to meet your new friend." Leo smiles.

"Thanks Leo." Donatello smiles back, glad that his oldest brother accepts his new friend.

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