Mikey part II

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You are hanging out with Mikey at the skatepark once again. This time you don't have your skates on, so you just watch Mikey as he does cool tricks on his skateboard.

"Hey dudette! Do you wanna go a couple of rounds?"

You shake your head. "Nah I'm cool just watching, I've never gotten the hang of skateboarding."

His azure eyes widen and he gasps delighted. "It's easy I'll teach you!" Mikey drops his board in front of you and holds out his hand.

"Cmon hop on! I won't let you fall."

You take his hand and try to stand on the skateboard. It rolls away and you almost fall but true to his word Mikey keeps you upright untill you've got your balance and stand on the board.

"Wicked awesome! And now just shift your weight like this.."

You wobble. "err what how..? "

"Hold on." Mikey grabs you by your hips with both of his hands. The intimacy of the moment almost makes you tumble, but his grip is strong. Mikey holds you steady while giving you directions on what to do. Sometimes shifting your body himself. Whenever you lose balance you feel his hands holding you a bit tighter and push you back. He's encuraging all the way through. After a little while you get the hang of it and Mikey lets you go.

"Look Mikey I can do it!"

"You are incredible chicka!" You keep your balance on the board and feel realy proud, but mourn the loss of his hands on you.

Now you've got the basics, you start practicing tricks and goofing off, trying to get a feel for the skateboard.

Your phone rings. You take it out of your pocket and look at the screen mildly annoyed.

"You ok? Mikey asks.

"Yeh, it's just some unknown number that keeps calling me. Whenever I accept the call they hang up. It's kinda weird but maybe someone just been butt-dialing me." You shrug, end the call and put your phone back in your pocket. Then jump back on the skateboard and continue praticing the 180 turn you were trying to perfect.


"Hey Y/n my turn for something illegal." Mikey says with the biggest grin.

"Oooeeeh lets hear it."

Michaelangelo shows off colorful sticks in between his fingers.

"Fireworks!" You exclaim exited.

The two of you find a good spot, light a few then run away to hide and see them go off. Something goes wrong however as one of the fireworks falls over. It's too late to do anything as you see the rocket fly off and go right trough a bus stop window in a colourful destruction of property.

"Yikes." Mikey cringes at the glass shards crashing to the ground.

"Wow. hehe. Lucky no one was waiting for the bus?" You two make eye contact, spin around and run for the hills. Mikey picks you up to flee the scene quicker, jumping over the rooftops with you in his arms.

"New rule. We are not allowed fireworks."

"Heh that uuh.. kinda already is a rule from my dad and bro's...Something like this happened that time too."


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