When you meet Don

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Donatello is trying to hack into Dr. Stockman's database from the lair. He's having trouble getting past the firewalls when a text box suddenly pops up on his screen with a message.

Greetings my fellow hacker, having some trouble I see.

How did you find me and get passed my security??


Coincidentally tried hacking @ the same time, followed the signal back. Might want to do something about that, if i can find it someone else could as well.

Also try running this [[hacking program]] to bypass the Stock-tech's security.

It worked for me :3

After scanning the program for possible viruses and finding none, Donnie runs it and sure enough the firewalls he was struggeling with fall away one by one.


The program worked! Thank you! But why are you helping me?


Lets just say I have some personal issues with this particular tech company.

I figured two hackers can bring in a little more... Chaos.


Okaaay.. That sounds mildly foreboding. You arn't thinking of using any aquired information for unsavory purposes I hope? Because I won't have a choice but to stop you if you do.


I could ask you the same.

But I'm only looking to use any of this on stock teck and hopefully hinder Stockman himself, if I get the chance to that is.

So do you want to team up?

Donatello turns the propesition around in his head for a moment. 'It would certainly be advantageous to team up, especially with a hacker that can apparently hack into my computers. This hacker could help me get in faster and help me find the information I need.. But should I trust this "Paradox " caracter? Hmmm I might not have a choice if they decide to turn on me and boot me out of Stockman's system.. Besides, curiousity has always been my best and worst trait.'

Can you get me into the lower levels?

Two tickets to deep codes, all aboard the train is now leaving :3 

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