Leo part II

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Leonardo has two reasons to meet up with Y/n on a full moon night. First he just realy wants to see her again. Secondly, a werewolf in New york? Obviously he needs to know if everything is okay and that she spoke the truth about not attacking people. And if she didn't, well... he'll have no choice but to stop her.

Leo arrives at the spot in the park they had agreed to meet up at. The moon is already shining bright. Not much later he sees some bushes move. Sure enough a fairly large wolf as black as the night steps out of the rusteling leaves. If he wasn't confident in his own abilities he might have felt intimidated by the sight.

"Hello Y/n." When Leonardo greets you, your fluffy tail starts wagging exitedly and you greet him with a jip.

You circle the blue cladded turtle once and sniff his hand when he offers the limb. 'He smells like incense, leather, steel, old books, sword polish, rain an a wiff of pine forest. Good scent.'

"Err..You know who I am right?" You nod.

"Ah. Can you talk?" You howl to the moon. A courus of dogs howling in the distant city echo your call.

"Guess that answers that."

You nudge Leo then sprint around him, starting a game of tag.

You run around in the park, both happy to have someone who can keep up with the other. The two of you hang out at the park for the rest of the night. Going to the lake, watching the moon reflecting off the water, watching sleeping ducks (disturbing their peace by trying to catch them on your part). Goofing around and having fun. At some point you run further into the park, Leonardo on your heels. You run into the trees, dig your nails into the bark and hoist yourself up the branches of an old oak.

"A treehouse hidden between the branches." Leo observes when he has followed you up the tree.

You exitedly show off the treehouse. You show him some cool shiny treasures you had found and brought here, your favorite plush toy (a well worn but well loved plush rabbit), a tennis ball (you were super exited when Leo threw the ball around a bit) and the way up the roof, where you can watch the sky and the lights of distant skyscrapers.

As the sun comes up again you slowly turn back into a human. Luckily you have a hoodie in the treehouse so you quickly get it and pull it over your head.

"Aah had loads af fun tonight." Your growly voice is barely understandable. "Thanks. "

"I had a lot of fun as well." You stare into his beautiful sapphire eyes. Even as werwolf you feel so much calmer tonight. 'No worries in the world with this fellah around. ' You think.


"Hey Leo jewant somethin frawm the store?"

"uhm..bluberry milkshake?"

"Comin right up!" You smile brightly.

Leonardo and you hang out frequently in the weeks that follow. You've had fun with him last full moon as wolf but you're glad you can talk with him like a normal person, because the stories, especially the acient bushido ones, Leo tells are amazing and you just can't appreciate them when you're too eager to run around and howl at the moon. You soon return from the store with some food and the requested milkshake to the rooftop where you're chillin with Leo.

Leo takes a sip of the shake. "Mmm Perfect. Thanks for treating me."

"Ahw it's nothin'. You're so swate." You fluff up your hair and shoot him a wink.

"Sweet huh? Thats not something I get called very often." Leonardo smiles but then looks sollemly down at the cup in his hand. "...Most people see my family and me in a bad way. Perhaps even as monsters."

"Aah dont git it, yer lookin' mighty fetchin' ta me."

The tails of his blue bandana fly as Leo whips his head around to look at you.

"F-fe-" His sapphire eyes widened and his cheeks turn crimson. 'Did she just call me attractive?!'

Leo turns away again just as quickly and pretends to cough in his hand to hide his blush.

"Ah, ahem. Thanks. I uuh.. I like your shirt." 'Wow way to go with the most generic compliment casanova, I'm such an idiot!'

You laugh heartily and after a minute Leo joins in. The two of you giggle well into the night.

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