When you meet Raph

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Raphael is patrolling alone. He just needed to get out of the lair, away from the constant bossing around from Leo. They hadn't had a fight tonigt per say, not a serious one anyway, but Raph still feels pissed off at his brother. The red clad turtle stops running on the rooftops for a moment to enjoy the cool night air. The breeze carries a familiar tune in the air, sung by a wonderful voice. He follows the sound and comes to a halt on a rooftop opposite of an open window and quickly hides himself in the shadows. There, in the open window, a young woman is singing in tune with the music drifting out from further into the apartment. Raphael recognizes the song now; Heart shaped box from Nirvana.

"This lady has good taste." He quickly and quietly makes his way over to her rooftop so he can hear her better. After the song is over another one takes it's place, and another one. Raphael is so enthralled by the music that he doesn't even notice he's been inching closer to the edge of the roof to hear her sing better. Seemingly out of nowhere she misses a beat but instead of picking the lyrics of the song (now dani california from rhcp) back up, she continues humming it. Raph chances a glance down at her, to see her gesturing something. Without looking up she points at herself, then at her eye, finally she points up. To the roof. Where Raphael sits, not so hidden in the shadows. Shit.


You are chilling and singing along your playlist on shuffle when you catch a glimpse of some vaguely human shaped shadow on your roof.

'A burglar? ' You think. 'Well let's say hi.'

When you finished signing 'I see you' you hear a muffled "shit." and can't help the grin spreading on your face. 'so busted'
"Jo! If you're thinking about breaking in I say you re-think. Cause I will kick you off the building."

"Woah. Easy lady, I aint gonna break in." A heavy brooklyn accent answers you back.

"Suuure, thats why you're on my roof all suspicious like, because you're not a burglar or a stalker creep." You say, your voice laden with sarcasm.

"I aint any of that! I just heard you singin' and wanted ta listen."

"Just out for a midnight stroll over the rooftops then huh. " You offer.

"Yeah exactly, I uuh do parkour. Yeah thats it." Very convincing. But this mystery person kind of peeks your interest. Perhaps you should give him a chance.

"The name's Y/n, whats yours?" It was quiet and for a moment you think he's ran off when he finally answers.

"Raphael. "

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