When you think about eachother-Leo

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Leo is Meditating. Or at least trying to. He is having a hard time clearing his mind, his thoughts keep going to the night only a few days ago. Or more specifically the girl he saved that night. 'Stupid! stupid! stupid! I can't believe I let myself get seen! I can't believe I got tackled by a dog! A dog! I can't believe how beautiful that lady was. Her skin glistening in the pale moonlight, the southern drawl she spoke with.. How cute she looked sleeping peacefully, her hair like a halo on the pillow, oblivious to the world around her..Ugh that souds so creepy, I feel like Mikey. But I needed to know that she had arrived home safely, for my own peace of mind if anything. Not that thats helping right now! Clear your mind Leo!

...I need [[want]] to see her again soon. She saw me. I need to be certain she keeps this to herself, and I don't think that note will do it justice. Hopefully she can be trusted. I'd be nice to have a new friend... Does it ever go so easy though?'


Ok so the mistery person who saved you from those thugs followed you home, broke into your house, found your room and left a note right next to your bed when you were asleep. 'Yeah that's nawt creepy at all.' You think, mildly worried someone is stalking you. '...But he done beat those thugs back and he sounded genuenly worried about mah safety. He didn't even attack Misty when she pounced him..Maybe he isn't that bad av ayy guy? But what about the armor/shell/shield thing? Ayn' ay could have swawn ay saw green skin...[[ayn' gawgeous royal blue eyes..]] He's clearly nawt human, it done might be fun ta have ayy friend who ay can talk ta, since ay can't tell any av mah human friends. Hmm. it's still ayy week befawe the moon's full. Perhaps if he finds me agayn.

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