Raph part II

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Once again Raphael climbs through you window, but this time he has someone following him in.

"Jo Y /n! I brought a friend, hope ya don't mind."

"Goengala. Raph, you didn't tell me your new friend is a hot babe." The dude looks you over.

"These legs are more than just for show, if you're an arse or start swinging those hockey sticks around in my house I'll kick you out same way you came in, you got that?"

He quickly adverts his eyes back to your face and stutters out a "Yes ma'am!"

"Good. I'm Y/n."

"Casey Jones." You shake hands.

"Casey and I have been pretty good buddies for a while now." Raphael gives him a friendly pat on the shoulder. He suddenly looks a bit sheepish "Er..Sorry I brought him without askin first."

"Naw it's cool, your friends and family can be here any time Raph." You give him a sweet smile. Raph smiles back. You're getting lost in his eyes. What does that look mean?

Whatever moment you were sharing with Raph gets shattered by Casey. "We are on our way to beat some purple dragon scum tonight!"

"I was wonderin if ya wanna come with?" Raph asks you.

"Aw hell yes I'm in! Just gimme a minute to change, these are not fighting clothes." You quickly change into something more fight approriate. Your heavy duty steel tip combat boots, fingerless kickboxing gloves and a belt you've put speakers on for blasting motivational music.

"Jo Raph, you sure this chick can fight right? I don't want a babe like that to get hurt."

"Yeah she can fight, wouldn't have asked her to go with us if she can't."

"Need me to prove it by kicking your arse, Jones? Would be a nice warm up."

"You're on!" You move to the roof since your rule is no fighting in the apartement.

"I'll give you the first hit cause you're a girl an' I wanna be fair." Casey Jones tells you like he's doing you the biggest justice.

"Oh a free hit? This won't be much of a warm up then." Walking up to Jones you crack your knuckles for effect.

Raphael just grins while you pummel his friend. "Ya shouldn't have taken her lightly Case."


Your party stand on a roof looking at some generic goonies. You spot a few outside, guarding the warehouse behind them but you know there are more inside, doing shady deals. You are discussing stragedies to take them down.

"I'll be the distraction! " You voulentier, waving your arm in the air like an exited child.

"You sure?" Raph asks.

"Yeah's gonna be fun! Ima lure them and when the asswipes inside the warehouse crawl out of their hidie holes you guys can jump in."

With the okay from Raphael you climb off the roof. On the sidewalk you grab your phone and look for a song that will go well with some asswhoopin. You walk to the goons like you don't see them because you're too busy staring at your phone.

"Hey beautiful wanna hang out?"

*kissie noises* "cmon ill show you a good time. "

When you're almost past the small group one of them grabs your upper arm, stopping you dead in your tracks. You look at the offending limb but make no move to remove it..


Raphael and Casey are keeping an eye on the situation. "Raph shouldn't we jump in or somethin?"

"She says she got it, she got it." Raphael never takes his eyes off the situation though.


"Are you sure about that?" You look at the hand holding you. A tune starts playing out of the speakers from your phone. [ready to die-andrew wk]

"Yeah I'm sure, I'll give you the best time." The dead man walking thrusts his hips lewdly.

You hold your index finger up. "Just give the song a moment to start up... okay go! " You jump into the air, kick the fuck holding you straight in the face and watch as he goes flying.

You start singing the lyrics with the biggest grin on your face while beating the thugs up. They scramble for their weapons as they practically crap their pants in fear.


"Jeez Raph your girlfriend is scary." Casey comments.

"Yeah, she is." Raph says dreamily. Damn does he wish she was his girl.

Sure enough with the comotion slick snake oil salesmen lookin mofos in suits, all followed by a handful of muscle each, storm out of the warehouse. It's Raphael and Casey Jones' turn to kick some ass. You have a great time fighting baddies and getting to know Casey untill late in the night.

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