When you become friends-Leo

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You are walking the dog much like the night you were almost attacked, this time not as late. The last rays of sunlight still light up the sky and there are a few other people at the park, so you take your time. Too soon it had become dark and the people were going home one by one. You decide it is time for you to go as well. You call Misty back to you and stroll down the park in the direction of your home. When you pass a little foresty area Misty suddenly goes crazy and takes off into the bushes. You call her name and run after her. You find her barking up a tree and your first thought is she must be chasing squirles. But when you look up what you see arn't little cute rodents squrrying about in the branches, in stead you see a giant humanoid turtle. You grab Misty, half hugging her partly for your own comfort partly because you don't want the canine to jump this guy again for no good reason. Misty growls low and threatingly.

The turtle lowers himself from the tree slowly as to not spook you. He holds his hands up the moment he is on the ground, they're big and only have three fingers each. It looks..odd. But you shouldn't talk about looking odd. 'They look good for protecting' you think, and then think what a wierd thing that is to think. -

Deep blue eyes lock with yours. "I needed to see you again, to make sure you're okay."

"S-so you are the fellah who saved me frawm them thugs the othur day?"

"I am."

Your eyes narrow dangerously. "Ayn' also thay ..err one who done broke inta mah house ayn' left ayy message whahl aah were asleep!" Your accent gets thicker with your anger and Misty's growling gets louder.

"Yes." He at least has the decency to look mildly ashamed.

"Ayn' you do recon it's creepy ta sneak around in ayy gals bedroam yeah?"

"Y-yes.. In my defence I am a ninja, sneaking around is kind of what I do."

"Ayy ninja...."

"Please don't be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? And I won't sneak in your room again. Promise. You just..You can't tell anyone about my existence. For your own safety."

Your eyes widen and he notices.

"No no not like that! Didn't I just say I'm not going to hurt you? Look, there are some bad people who would stop at nothing to get to us. You can't. Tell. anyone. Please?"

The turtle guy looks like he's about ready to beg you to keep him secret. You look into his eyes. They're like an ocean. A deep but calm sea. The more you look in his eyes the more you trust him and relax.

"O-kay...Aah've nevur saw you, you don't exist. Done got it.. Mah name's Y/n."

"Leonardo. But you can call me Leo. I need to know if i can trust you for my familys safety."

You think about it for a moment. "The moon isn't exactly full enough but it'll have ta do."

"Excuse me?"

"Since you've told me your secret aah recon aah can share mahn, likemutually assured destruction." You concentrate on the moon shining on your skin. The call of the trees around you and of the hunt. You get hairier, ears stretch from the sides to the top of your head and the beginnings of a tail peak out of your trousers.

"Aah'm ayy werwolf. You're the first fellah I've ever told. Please keep it secret." Your voice is a little growly.

"I swear I'll keep your secret."

The two of you sit down on the grass. It's quiet between you. You 're looking at the sky through the leaves of the trees and petting Misty to keep her calm.

"Could you have beaten the Purple Dragons without my help then?" Leo asks after a bit.

"On ayy full moon night probably yeah. Mah sences get bettur ayn' aah'm faster ayn' stronger the closur ta full moon it gits, but aah'm kinda layin' up most days so aah'm nahwt trainin' aw anything."

Leonardo hesitates for a moment. "I don't want to presume and I'm not sure how much I can trust pop culture on werewolfs.."

"What do ya wan-ta know."

"I'll just be blunt. Do you lose control with the full moon?"

"Fair query. Mah instincts are strongur ayn' aah will be mawe whel... dawg like." You scratch your dog behind her ear. "Aah can still recocnize ayn' understand y'all. Aah won't attack randawm folk if you're asking that there. Nahwt unless aah've starved mah-self aw something. Done might go chasin' rabbits though."

"Now I'm kind of wondering how you are like that."

"Two days ayn' aah can be full wolf, we can hang out." Your tiny tail wags at the idea. "Here, lem-me give you mah phone number.

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