It has been a long while since I heard that insult thrown around. So I asked as politely as I could, “Would you care to refresh me on what that means?”

“I’m sure you could google it and find out”, There was a clear sass in her tone that caused my smile to return to my face.

“You see why I love her, already?”, Alice thought loud and clear, for me to hear, “Now give it”.

I took a step back as she took a step forward, with her hand outstretched for the phone. I let the smile drop from my face and gave Alice a shake of my head. A sassy human was never enough for Alice to get so close to before. So the question was, why was my Bella so special to Alice? As the question rolled around in my mind it reminded me of why I came up here in the first place.

I got back on track and found myself asking a similar question to the one I asked when I took the phone,“What about the project?”

“You work on the presentation, I’ll work on the paper”, She assigned roles with a suggestive tone, almost as if she was asking, yet not really asking. Hesitant, she sounded a little hesitant.

A thought occurred to me at that moment. What if Bella was just stressed out about the coming workload already. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for some students to feel very overwhelmed in their first week of college. I made a counter offer, wanting to take at least this off her mind. It is the least I can do to make up for the hateful glare I gave her that first day. So I said,“I could do the entire thing and have you fact check once I’m done. That’d be easier on you”.

“I can handle the paper, I’m a English major for pete’s sake”, She spoke with aggravation clear in her tone, somehow I found this adorable.

“Fine. Feisty girl. You do the paper, I’ll do the presentation, we check each other's work before we had anything in. Deal?”, I resisted the sudden urge to tease her, but I couldn’t keep the amusement out of my tone if I tried.

“Fine, Bye”, She said in a curt tone before she ended the call suddenly.

I laughed as lowered the phone from the side of my head. My laughter was interrupted by Alice clearing her throat loudly as she showed her open palm to me. I placed the phone in her hand with an apologetic look as I spoke with siniscty, “I’m sorry Alice. It just irritated me thinking that Bella was ignoring the work, she so kindly informed me of.”

“Don’t forget jealousy”, Jasper spoke up from where the window slide where he sat with a book in his hand, his eyes staying on the page.

Alice stood between Jasper and I, with a raised eyebrow that irritated me further. The wide grin stretched on her face didn’t help at all, “Jealous, Eddie?”

My lip twitched as a growl started to rise from my chest. A very hard and firm, No, was on my tongue for a moment. Then I heard the sounds of Emmett, Esme and Carlisle coming into the house at the same time. I moved at my natural pace to greet them all. The sound of Alice calling my name in outrage followed me. Esme and Emmett entered the house before Carlisle, they were laughing and gitty from their hunt together.

Esme immediately picked up on something was off in the house and asked in a stern tone, “What’s going on?”

“Go ahead and tell her Alice”, I prompted her as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. Little did Alice know, I would’ve let this go if she didn’t call me that dam nickname.

Esme moved across the room, opening the door for her husband. He thanked her before giving her a kiss on her cheek. As they moved further into the living room Emmett came over to me, slapping a firm hand on my shoulder as he spoke, “What got your panties in a twist, Edward?”

I parted my lips to speak, but Alice beat me to it, she called out softly, “Rose, come here please. This concerns you as well.”

Rose came into the room, with her hair up in a ponytail, a grease smudge in her cheek as well as a few on her halter top and ripped jeans. She had been tuning up her car for a while today. She held a greasy rag in her hands as she wiped them clean. Emmett moved from my side to his wife’s. She smiled and leaned into him, like puzzle pieces perfectly fitting together as she asked, “What’s going on?”

“I’m throwing a party”, Alice said it simply with some enthusiasm in her voice but not as much as usual. Alice rocked back on her heels as she continued, “a birthday party for a friend of mine.”

“Oh, which friend?”, Esme asked with a smile on her face, her thoughts were already on helping her daughter plan the party.

“Bella Swan”, Alice said with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Her fingers twitched, she was probably nervous for the oncoming conversation.

“I’d like for everyone know in advance that I was against Alice befriending the human,”, He paused as Alice gave him a pointed look. He gave her a small shake of his head in amusement as he continued, “Bella from the beginning, especially since she can’t see her at all.”

“Jazz”, Alice hissed then stomped her foot like an upset child as she continued, “I could have told them.”

“You can’t see anything when, this Bella makes a decision?”, Carlisle asked as curiosity seeped from every pore, his thoughts already coming up with theories as to why this is.

“It’s like looking at tv screen full of static”, Alice answered him as she stopped rocking on her heels.

“Which is just another reason, why you shouldn’t be friends with her Alice. She’s a danger. If she figured out what we are and the Volturi get wind of it. We won’t get a warning since you won’t be able to see past her”, I told her seriously, using logic to reason with her. She needs to understand how badly this could turn out.

“I agree with Edward”, Rosalie spoke up as she squeezed the greasy rag in one hand, “She’s a threat to the family if she gets too close Alice.”

“No. I love her already. We just became official friends, I won’t give her up”, Alice spoke in a pleading tone now, her voice a bit strained. I knew the subtle smell of saltwater were tears would be swelling in the corner of her eyes. She turned to Carlisle as she spoke now,  “I can keep my distance enough to protect the family. When I first met Bella I saw nothing but blackness whenever I tried to see her, but now I see static, Isn’t that an improvement?”

“Curious. When did the change happen?”, Carlisle asked her as he mentally took note of this change.

“Earlier on the phone, when Bella said we are officially friends”, Alice said with a hopeful look in her glossy eyes that made me feel a ball of regret form in my stomach for bringing up this subject as payback.

“Hmm, this is interesting. I want to see if Alice’s vision will get clearer regarding Bella. I’ll allow the party but if your vision doesn’t get clearer by, let’s say the end of the first semester. We will all leave, understood?”, Carlisle spoke thoughtfully, as he gave his conditions.

Alice gave a small hop to properly wrap her arms around Carlisle's neck as she cried out in joy, “Best Dad ever”.

It only made their height difference that much more obvious since Alice is 4’10 and Carlisle at 5’10. He patted her back affectionately before she dropped down with a wide grin on her face. She bounced on the balls of her feet as she started to properly think about things she needed for the party.

“Woo party and new friend!”, Emmett’s enthusiasm and positive attitude was almost contagious enough to make me smile, almost. He offered his hand for a high five, which Alice gladly gave him. The sound made a slight ringing in my ear that lasted a few seconds.

A/N: Please leave a comment. Thanks for reading. The next chapter might be out 7-2-18

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