"what's the fuck is going on?" Hank said to me as I pushed past him. Connor grabbed my arm I turned to face him our eyes connecting. His eyes looked the same so full emotion. Was it always a lie?

"Jayne I understand your upset, but we must continue our investigation " he said

"fuck you" I said pulling my arm away from him storming out of the office.


Jayne seemed upset, I went to run after her. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and tell her something. I have to tell her something. Am I missing something? I stopped myself.

"what are you doing? Go after her." Hank said to me. I was so confused. What am I missing? I searched my memories. For something, anything. Why does she make me feel this way. I can't feel.

"why would I go after her Lieutenant?" he scoffed at me.

"you really don't remember do you?"

I felt like I something was on the edge of my mind just out of grasp. I knew who Jayne was, but I was missing something. Three words.

"I don't understand Lieutenant"

"you love that girl!" he yelled

Love. An image of Jayne flashed through my head. How happy she was when I gave her a purple daisy on our date. Date? We went on a date.

"I, i am a machine. I can not feel emotions. I, have... Been sent to accomplish a task. That's all"

Hank looked taken aback

"you know what, Jayne's right. Fuck you" he said pushing past me leaving me In the office.



I sat in my car unsure of where to go. I drove around for a while aimlessly. Cyberlife had taken him away from me and replaced him with an empty shell. this wasnt right. It wasnt fair.

I wound up back at home, tears still spilling down my face as i pulled outside the house. 

I didnt see them right away, but i heard Lola calling my name. Looking up I see the girls with Grace. She looked at me from the door step. she looked, good. Healthy. I dried my eyes stepping out of the car. 

" Can we talk?" She said I nodded letting them in. 

I poured me and Grace a cup of tea, putting my gun on the kitchen counter while the girls played in the back garden. I placed the tea infront of Grace on the kitchen table. Minutes passed in slience while we drank our tea. 

" I, I wanted to say I'm sorry. For Charlies Birthday" She started looking down at the table. 

"Its not me you have to apologies to, its Charlie" I interupted. 

" I know. I have" Grace sighed in frustration. She pulled out a coin and placed it in front of me on the table. "this is my 1 week chip, Iv joined AA. I want to get sober and get my life back" I picked up the coin. i looked at it for a second before looking back at Grace she really did look healthy for the first time in a long time. " Im really trying Jayne. I swear. Iv been going to meetings i got a job interview." she reached out to me " Iv been a selfish mother and a shit big sister" 

I looked away "Grace you havnet been-" ]

" No I have." She interupted "but Im working on it" she finished. The sound of the girls laughing drifted in from outside. 

" I will support you in anyway I can Grace, you know I will." I pulled her into a hug tears welling in my eyes. 

"its funny you should say that" Grace said 

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