Chapter 2

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"Do you want to talk about it?" soft hands caressed Yuzu's cheeks as she looked into those soft pale blue eyes. "I'll be fine, she just caught me off guard is all" Yuzu rested her head on Sakura's shoulder. "Yuzu, Sakura-chan lunch is ready" Uma called from the kitchen.

As they entered with their fingers intertwined Yuzu quickly scanned the room for those Violiets "If your looking for HER, she left" Matsuri quickly saying as she took a seat at the table.

"Sho and Mei had some business to attend to, sorry they couldn't stay longer Bub, i'm sure you will see them again soon" Ume said with a smile unknowing what her daughter had just gone through in the other room only minutes ago. "Good ridens" the pink girl mumbled under her breath.

" Matsuri Mitsuawa, you will apologies the next time we see Mei-chan, I will not accept that kind of behaviour in my house, are we clear? I don't care what the two of you have been through. My house my rules!" Matsuri looked down at her feet as she just nodded to the older woman in return.

"Anyway.... lets brighten the mood a bit, all this seriousness is bringing the whole atmosphere down" Harumin looked to Yuzu with a smile. "I mean how exactly are you 2 related because you could pass for sisters!" Yuzu, Ume and Hina all laughed at the same time hearing the Auburn girls question "She is my first cousin, her Dad is my Dads brother" Hina gave Harumin a wink as she went to take a mouthful of food.

"Ahhhhhhh...o.k, that makes sense. And Hina and Sakura are best friends?" a nod came from both girls as they swallowed their food. "They have known each other since they were 5" Yuzu quickly answered as she could see the girls were still halfway through swallowing the food.

"So then its safe to say that Sakura and Yuzu met through Hina?" Harumin looked at Yuzu. "Yes, although we didn't always get along, it was a bit of a rocky start." The girl with soft brown hair stated. "Especially while Yuz was in her REBEL stage" Hina quickly added as she used for fingers for air quotes as she said the word rebel.

"Hmmmmmmmm" Harumin place a finger on her chin as if to show she was in deep thought.

"I dont know how you did it, but thank you for bringing our Yuzzuchi back to normal" Harumin smiled at everyone at the table. "I couldn't agree more" the oldest woman stated as she got up to get herself a beer. "Can I have one 2 please Mama?" all hands stopped moving and eyes were on the blonde that had just asked her mother for a drink.

"Dont worry I know how to control myself and I know my limits" Yuzu quickly added as she saw the look in Harumin and Matsuri's eyes. "You are an adult now Yuzuko, but please just don't go overboard" Yuzu cringed at the sound of her full name coming from her mothers mouth.

"Dont worry Mama I only want 1, its just been a long day" Yuzu said softly as she reached her arm out to grab the beverage from her mother.

As she cracked open the beer, Yuzu's thoughts went back to a period that was dark for her and a bit of a blur.


"Hello? Hello? Harumin-chan are you there?" Ume spoke through the phone, her face with a worried expression on it. "Are you sure? she hasn't been home for 3 days, she has just disappeared off the face of the earth." She then hung up the phone worry washing over her as she didn't know what to do. This was not the first time Yuzu had left without a word.

Actually this was becoming quite frequent since SHE had left to follow her destiny.

"Dammit!" Harumin threw her phone as it hit the wall she sat up quickly, grabbed the phone and ran out the door.

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