Hickeys // Theo Raeken

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This was requested by @ruwaidahmulla I hope this turned out the way you were hoping, thank you for the amazing idea. You can request a preference or imagine by messaging me or commenting. I hope everyone enjoys!!!

It felt like every other day, I woke up, took a shower, and got ready for school, but today I took a longer look in the mirror.

I had picked out an outfit that Lydia had bought for me the week prior. The only reason she had gotten it for me was because she said, "You need to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there more." That's her nice way of telling me to stop being so shy and awkward because no one likes me the way I am now. I have a hard time socializing and the only friends I have now are because I'm cousins with Scott McCall the captain of the lacrosse team. I'm the type of person who walks down the hallway trying to avoid people at all cost.

I had spent a good amount of time perfecting my braid, but instantly regretted it as soon as I looked in the mirror. I had already felt self-conscious in the outfit I had on, but all I could notice was the dark purple marks lacing my neck and collarbone. My hand slowly made its way up to the marks and my fingertips gently glided over them one by one as last night came rushing back.

There was one person who knew me better than anyone else ever could. The same person that my cousin and his friends despise due to past events. I had gotten home to the empty house as usual because my mother is always at work or out of town. It was getting late as I got out of the shower and walked into my room, surprised by my boyfriend sitting on my bed waiting for me to start a movie he had brought over. Things soon got heated and our movie turned into a make out session. All the worries from the day were fading away as I felt him slip a hand under my shirt...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the bed sheets ruffle as I glanced to see Theo still asleep and now on his side. I couldn't help but smile just thinking about how cute and peaceful he looked, but that smile faded as I looked at the hickeys once more.

I looked at the clock and realized that I had to be at Scott's in less than fifteen minutes if I wanted a ride to school. I rushed to grab a hoodie that was laying on the chair next to my bed and quickly threw it on, and took my hair down, as I woke Theo up, "I have to run. I'll see you after school, and don't forget to lock the door on your way out." I had already shut my bedroom door before he could respond.

I got to Scott's house just in time to catch a ride, but as we were sitting in his car on the way to school I noticed that I grabbed one of Theo's hoodies instead of my own and all I could hope for was his scent to be faded enough for the pack not to notice. The ride was quite and all I could think about was how my friends would react if they knew I was dating Theo. It's been a topic running through my mind for the two months we had been keeping it a secret.

We soon got to school, and the day drug by slowly. All I could think about was getting home and having Theo there by my side. It was currently 80 degrees and I looked stupid being the only person wearing a hoodie, but there was no way I could take it off and risk anyone seeing the hickeys.

Last period was almost over when I received a text from Kira asking me to meet up in the library once school was over to finish the report due tomorrow. I had forgotten about it, so I had to message Theo to let him know I wasn't going home right after school.

The bell soon rang and I took my time getting up from my chair and leisurely made my way to my locker. There were quite a few people in the halls, but the only person I noticed was Theo making his way to the door with every girl staring at him. People seem to love his confident, yet cocky personality. Little do they all know that when they aren't around he's a goofy, sweetheart. After watching him for a moment, I made my way to the Library.

I opened the door to see two tables shoved together with books strewn all over them. As I made my way over to the table I placed my things down and looked to the nearest aisle to see Kira and Lydia struggling to reach one of the books on the top shelf. Malia came rushing by to grab a chair to stand on, so that they could grab it.

After a while of working on the project that should have been done a few days ago I began to notice Lydia's gaze on me. She soon spoke up, "What's up with the hoodie? It's 80 degrees, who's hickeys are you trying to hide?" She said in a joking tone. Her expression changed once she noticed that I became more jittery than a moment ago. "Wait what?" She asked in a confused tone, "Have you actually been hooking up with someone?" Once she said that, Malia and Kira both looked at me with a curious expression. I tried to laugh it off, so they decided to drop it, but Lydia wasn't giving in that easily.

We had been working on the report for what seemed like hours, when I began to get fidgety and knew I needed a break. We all agreed to go grab snacks from the vending machines down the hall near the locker rooms.

I was standing there, deep in thought on what snack to get from the machine in front of me, when I had forgotten and placed my hair behind my ear. Their eyes immediately fell upon the bruises on my neck, "Umm... well I guess it wasn't just a joke." Lydia said now laughing awkwardly. I immediately regretted moving my hair because I knew they wouldn't let it go this time.

It wasn't long until the questions started flowing in, "Who is he?" "Do we know him?" "Does he treat you right?" "Why didn't you tell us?" "Is that his hoodie?" "Did you have sex?" "Were you safe about it?" "When can we meet him?" I didn't have a chance to answer anything before I felt hands grasp my waste.

I could tell by the familiar scent of cologne, that it was Theo. The girls instantly became quiet and they all stood there, not believing their eyes.

He placed a gentle kiss on my cheek and wrapped his arms around my torso from behind, bracing me in a warm, protective hug. "What? No more questions?" Theo said in his usual cocky tone of voice. "What the actual fuck?!" Malia said, now sounding pissed off. "Are you serious?! Him?!"

"What's wrong with him?" I asked. Theo could sense the pain in my voice and his grasp on me became tighter.

"What's wrong with him?! Must I remind you he tried killing the pack, including us?"

Tears were forming in my eyes due to the fact that everything was falling apart like I feared it would.

"Plus he's him!!! You are way to good for him. He's an arrogant asshole, who deserves to..." She was cut off when Kira cleared her throat and shoved her a bit, "Ummm... well as you can see it's getting late, so we better head home." She said while pushing Malia back to the library to grab their bags.

Lydia stepped close to me and gave me a quick smile and hug before putting in her thought on the whole issue, "I'm happy for you guys. I mean I suspected something for a while, but definitely not with him." As she was walking down the hall she turned back. "One last thing, treat her like the damn princess she is. Also good luck telling Scott and Stiles."

I turned back to Theo, and he embraced me into a hug. I rested my head on his chest as I let out a sigh. "I told you they would approve of us," he said with a slight laugh as I playfully hit him in the arm and smiled at his ability to joke at anything to make me feel better.

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