Liam Dunbar // Stilinski's Little Sister

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This is my very first imagine, so I hope it's not that bad. Tbh I've had an idea to do something like this, but I didn't know how to do it, so thank you itsritinha06 for requesting it. I hope it's what you were looking for. Also guys remember I'm always up for a request, it doesn't matter if it's for a preference, or an imagine. Again hope everyone enjoys

I was standing at my locker deep in thought when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I almost immediately knew it was Liam, but instead of being happy my boyfriend was giving me attention, I was overwhelmed by a worried feeling. Fear that Stiles or someone else would see, I wiggled out of his strong grip. I could tell he was confused by the look on his face, but when Malia came walking down the hall towards us, Liam knew what was wrong. "You reek of stress and anxiety (Y/N)," Malia stated. I couldn't let her find out why, mostly because I couldn't risk Stiles finding out. I hated keeping things from my brother, but I was scared he would be mad that I am dating Liam.

The bell soon rang and me and Liam went to are English class. You would think it's my favorite class because I love to write, but the teacher always gives us stupid writing prompts. After I restarted my essay four times I was becoming very anxious, and I could feel myself starting to have a panic attack. Liam could since it to, he knew I struggled with really bad anxiety and ADHD like my brother. Any little thing could set me off into having a panic attack, including things that stress me out like essays. He grabbed my hand under the table so no one would see. Even the slightest contact with Liam always calmed me down, and I was the only one who could calm him down when he gets angry.

It was finally time for our free period, and I was thankful most of the pack had a project to work on, so me and Liam could have some alone time without fear of someone finding out. We were sitting on the bleachers because everyone is in class and most of the people who have free period are gone somewhere or busy doing other things leaving us alone. Me and Liam were in the middle of a heated make out when we were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Startled we turned to be met with a glare from Lydia. Her and Mason are the only ones who know we are dating because Lydia is my best friend, and Mason is Liam's best friend. They are the only ones we can trust not to tell Stiles about us. Raising her voice a little Lydia starts talking, "Thought I should tell you guys that we gave up on the project because Stiles knocked it off the table breaking it by accident. You both weren't answering your phones, and I needed to warn you that they are heading this way and I didn't want them catching you guys... well you know basically devouring each other." She helped me fix up my makeup and my hair right before we heard Stiles and Mason getting closer while having a debate over which Star Wars movie was better.

The whole day Malia had been giving me this look like she knew something was up, and I think Scott had started to pick up on what she was thinking. After the pack meeting Scott and Malia approach me. Scott didn't say anything at first, but Malia has no filter and she blurted out ,"So (Y/N) why have you and Liam been hanging out so much?" I responded almost immediately, "We haven't, he's just a good friend!" Scott picked up on my rising heart beat and stated the fact that I've been covered in his sent more than normal the past few weeks. It was obvious that they had figured it out, but there was no way I was admitting to it. Ten minutes of them interrogating me and not getting any of the answers they were looking for, Liam walked in the room. Malia without even thinking shouted out, "You and (Y/N) are dating aren't you?" With his heart beat picking up so fast and his face turning bright red it was obvious that they had just gotten their answer. It became clear to us all how loud she said it when we hear Stiles, "I swear to god you guys better not be dating! There is no way in hell I'm allowing (Y/N) to date anyone, especially not Liam"

Lydia could since my nervousness and tried comforting me, "(Y/N) don't worry. Stiles and Liam are just talking, everything will be fine I promise." I stayed quiet still looking down at my hands. She doesn't know Stiles like I do. Knowing him he's probably spent the past thirty minutes threatening Liam with his baseball bat. I began to panic, but the door soon opened and Liam rushed out picking me up and kissing me passionately, smiling into the kiss. Stiles shoved me a little almost knocking me down from my lack of balance from being on my tippy toes. "Even though I said I'd let you guys date it doesn't mean I give you permission to kiss in front of us all the time," Stiles states. Everyone had really shocked looks on their face including me. The only one of us that didn't look extremely confused was Liam, who was standing with his arms around me with this huge smile on his face. Stiles explained that he wasn't happy with the situation, but Liam had a very persuading argument, so he would accept the relationship, but if Liam ever does anything to hurt me he'll take care of it himself.

Weeks went by, and everyone know we were dating. We were so happy, and we spent almost 24/7 together except Sundays because it was family game night, and trust me Stiles did everything possible to make sure it was strictly just me, him, and dad. It was mine and Liam's three month anniversary, I was in such a good mood I was positive nothing could change that, but I was wrong. I was about to close my locker because free period had just started, suddenly a girl I had never talked to came up to me. I had only seen her a few time in the hall and I had no clue what her name was. "So I heard what happened between you and Liam, I'm so sorry," I was extremely confused by what she just said. "What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about you guys breaking up because he cheated on you with Hayden." Then she walked away, my heart was crushed. What had she just said? I didn't want to believe it, but she must have been right, Hayden is so much prettier than I'll ever be. I started contemplating everything, and wondering why he would ever want to go out with me in the first place. I was walking, busy looking down at shoes while I was deep in thought I ran into someone. I'm still so deep in thought it takes me a moment to realize what just happened. Then I hear Liam, "Woah, what's wrong (Y/N)?" I look up at him and it all suddenly hits me, like a wave crashing on the shore line. I burst into tears and run inoto the bathroom. Liam tries following me, but is stopped by a teacher reminding him no boys are allowed in the girls bathroom. So he runs to find Lydia and told her why he was confused about what happened, and she followed him to the bathroom I had gone into. She found me sitting on the bathroom floor crying. I explained to her what happened, and without saying anything she gets up and goes to yell at Liam. He claimed that it wasn't true, but she didn't believe him. Who would admit to cheating on the person they are dating?

She takes me home, and sits with me in my room comforting me until Scott and Stiles get there. They made me tell them why I had to leave school early, and why they saw Liam in the boys locker room crying, saying that I had broken up with him. It was clear Stiles was just as pissed as Lydia. I had gotten to the point where I was in between pissed and heart broken. I had eighteen missed calls and thirty messages from Liam, along with six missed calls from Mason. I didn't care how upset Liam was that I broke up with him, he's the one who cheated.

An hour goes by and Scott was still trying to stop Stiles from going to Liam's house and beating the shit out of him. Malia just sat in the chair I had in the corner of my room encouraging Stiles. The whole room went silent when we heard a knock on the front door. Who could it be, and who would be stupid enough to be out during a storm like this? Dad was at the station working, and the whole pack was in my room. It hit us all at the same time that it was more than likely Liam. Stiles rushes to the door swinging it open screaming at Liam. The sight I saw on the other side of the door was heart shattering, Liam stood there in the rain, eyes bloodshot from all the tears. Mason was with him and talked Stiles into letting them in. Mason explained that he had figured out what happened. He had overheard some girls in the hallway laughing about how they had helped Hayden start the rumor because she was jealous of the relationship I had with Liam, and she wanted him to herself. Knowing this I was pissed, and I felt really bad that I put Liam through this when it wasn't even true. He reassured me that I had nothing to be sorry for, and he wasn't mad because all of this just proved to him how horrible his life would be without me. We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing about the whole situation. It was as if none of this even happened we were still just as close as we ever were.

The next day I was still pissed, just not at Liam. I was pissed at Hayden. She started that rumor, and she ruined our anniversary. I confronted her about it and I think it's best to just say I wasn't very nice about the whole thing. Liam had never heard me say those kind of things. After talking to her I was kind of scared to hear what Liam had to say about the things that I had chosen to say, but he just laughed and said he loves when I speak my mind.

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