Peter Catch Up

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Nicknames In Your Phones:

His: Grumpy
Yours: Queen


How You Guys Cuddle:

When the two of you cuddle Peter cuddles into your side with his arm draped over you and his face in the crook of your neck.


What your/his parents think of you/him:

The only people in his family that are still alive are Derek, Kora, and Malia, but they all love you. It's surprising that they like you because everyone in the Hale family hates most people.

Neither of your parents are really in your life, so they don't know about him.


You Find Out About The Supernatural:

You were hanging out with Derek trying to find Peter something for his birthday. You had just finished shopping and you were on your way back to Derek's loft to meet up with Peter. You went up a few minutes after Derek did because you had to find your phone that you managed to loose in his car. You slowly made your way up the stairs and you saw that Derek had dropped the bag outside of the door. You reached down to pick it up, but when you did everything fell out because of the rips in the bag that looked like claw marks. You were very confused, but your mind was taken off of the bag when a loud crash slammed into the door from the inside. You stood there terrified for a moment, and you felt someone grab you from behind. You were shoved against the wall harshly, but you couldn't manage to say anything because of the strong pressure on the back of your neck and your side, caused by the persons hands. You heard more crashes coming from the loft and your arms were pulled behind your back. You were jerked back and then forward, being shoved into the loft. You saw Derek fighting some girl, and Isaac was laying on the floor hurt. Your eyes started watering because of the horrible sight in front of you. You heard Peter scream out, "Aiden, let her go!" Than the female threw Derek into Peter causing them to both fall. The pain in your neck along with the deep pain in your side caused your vision to become blurry, and you fainted. When you woke up Peter was on his knees leaning over you crying. When he saw your eyes flutter open he grabbed you and pulled you closely to his chest. After he continued hugging you for a few moments longer you spoke up, "What happened? Who was that?" He explained to you that the people you saw were Aiden and Kali. He explained that they were from the Alpha pack, and he told you everything about the supernatural that he could think of.


Your Best Friend & Their Thoughts On Your Realationship:

Your best friend is Jordan. When you started dating Peter, he didn't know exactly who he was. Once he found out that it was Derek's Uncle he got kind of worried because he had heard that Peter wasn't a very nice guy.


What He Does When You're Sad:

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