How You Meet

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This turned out being a lot longer than I expected, I hope you guys enjoy it, and please let me know what you think ♡
*Just a little note, (E/C) means eye color and (Y/F/N) means your friend's name*

It was late July and you had just moved to Beacon Hills and you were going to be starting Beacon Hills High School in a few weeks, and you didn't know anyone. It had been a hard week because you missed your friends dearly, so to clear your mind you went to take a walk on one of the trails in the woods. You were listening to music and had lost track of time until your phone buzzed because it was at 5% so you thought it would be a good choice to turn off your music to save your battery. The sun was starting to set, and you didn't want to admit it to yourself, but you had no clue where you were. Suddenly you heard a low growl and a coyote ran past you just a few feet away. You were terrified, and had no clue what to do. You heard another growl so you started running. Out of no where you ran into a strong chest, your eyes made their way up to the persons face just to have your (E/C) eyes meet a boys dark brown ones. You apologized for running into him and he reassured you that it was okay. He had apologized for his friends scaring you, and admitted that he had asked them to just so he would have a chance to talk to you.

You and your best friend had left your home town to start your journey to Beacon Hills. You guys had only been betas a few months and your Alpha was killed by hunters along with the rest of your pack, but you heard of this Alpha in Beacon Hills that wasn't like any other Alpha. You heard that he was a True Alpha, something you had only heard about in stories. After the long trip it was now time to find him. Not knowing what you were expecting from this trip. You weren't sure if you guys were looking for a new pack or just someone to help you stay safe, or to at least be somewhere that you knew you weren't the only werewolves around. After hunting the woods you started to give up hope, but that's when you found Satomi's Pack. You and your friend explained everything that happened and why you were here. Everyone seemed so kind and welcoming. You both soon became apart of her pack. You got really close with Brett and Lori, they soon introduced you to Liam, and you found out he was apart of the original pack you had been looking for. When fall came and school started you and (Y/F/N) started school at Beacon Hills High School, and the only one you knew was Liam, so he showed you both around and he introduced you to his friends. Stiles had said something sarcastic to Liam joking around about us, and he was caught off guard when you said something even more sarcastic than his remark. From that point on Stiles knew he had to make you his.

It's the middle of spring and you managed to find yourself calling Beacon Hills your new home. You had moved in with your Aunt and her kids a few months ago. It was just after the car wreck, your older brother had been driving, your mother in the passenger seat, and you in the back. You remember that night like it had happened only moments ago. It was a foggy night at 1:28am, you remember the time because you had just looked while changing the song on your playlist, it was a full moon that night. Out of nowhere your brother slams on the brakes as something rams into the car. It was to dark and chaotic to see exactly what it was. It killed your mom and brother, you were barely able to escape with only a bite mark. You started noticing changes later on, but you chose to ignore them, that was until you shifted for the first time. It wasn't that bad, nothing extreme happened. But now you find yourself exploring the woods behind your new house until you come across this house that was burnt to the ground that looked abandoned, that was until this tall, muscular man walked out from the other side of the house. He seemed very grim, but when he saw the frightened look on your face the look on his face softened. He reassured you that he wouldn't hurt you and he introduced himself as Derek Hale. You guys spent the rest of that evening talking.

You had known who Liam was for a while because you guys used to go to the same school until he got kicked out. Everyone knew who he was, he was the best player on the team besides the captain Brett. You had several classes with him, but he'd never noticed you because you were always one of the quiet kids in the back that no one knew existed. You mostly kept to yourself, and you eventually had to transfer schools because of all the bullying. It was your first day at your new school, this was your chance to show people who you really are, but that's hard because of your bad social anxiety. You were determined though, you got up early to pick an outfit, you chose light high waisted skinny jeans, a black tshirt, and a blue and white pair of Converses. Then you straightened your hair before you left. You had gotten to school early so you'd have time to get your schedule, find your locker, and make it to class on time. Shutting your locker you quickly turned to go find your Biology class, but you were stopped by this pain in your side and you hitting the floor. Someone had ran into you and knocked you down. They were apologizing repeatedly while you just sat on the floor in shock. After you comprehended what happened you went to stand up, and the person who had ran into you was offering you their hand, looking up you were met with gorgeous blue eyes belonging to the one and only Liam Dunbar. When he looked at you a smile spread across his face as he said, "Hey I know you, you used to go to Devenford Prep, I hate that I never had the guts to talk to you before now" that was the moment that you realized that the only person that had noticed you at your old school was the one guy you could only dream of talking to.

Being friends with Scott and Stiles since you were all three meant you had to constantly put up with them acting like overprotective brothers. You all told each other everything, you and Stiles were the first ones to figure out that Scott was a werewolf. You were there with him through everything, but things got worst when you got biten. It happened just a few weeks after Scott bit Liam. Stiles was kind of upset because that meant he was now the only one without supernatural powers in our pack. Scott taught you how to control your powers, but things started getting out of hand when The Dread Doctors came to town. For some reason they refused to let you participate in the fight, they kept you updated, but they feared you would get hurt like Liam and Hayden did. Once again they were treating you like a baby, and you had enough of it. You needed a break from all of this, for some reason your favorite place to go when you needed piece and quite was the gym at school. Let's face it, it's Beacon Hills, how many people do you know that would spend their free time at the gym working out. It was basically always empty when you went or someone was leaving when you arrived. You were sitting on one of the benches reading when you were interrupted by this really tall brunette, with stunning green eyes walking in while slamming the door behind him. You two started talking, and when your phone started ringing because Stiles had called you, you saw the time and realized that you had been talking for hours. You had found out he was the guy Scott and Stiles had been warning you about, but getting to know him you didn't really care.

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