Your Best Friend & Their Thoughts On Your Realationship

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Being in a Realationship with Scott is kind of weird because Allison is your best friend. Even though they did date in the past she didn't mind when she found out about your Realationship. All she wanted was for him to be happy. She also loves the fact that you can give Scott the relationship he's always deserved.

Dating Stiles came as a "shock" to your best friend Kira. The only reason she was surprised was because she thought that you guys were to much alike to ever date. She still found your relationship adorable, and you guys often had double dates together. She also find your sarcastic remarks to each other halarious.

Derek didn't like your choice of best friends. Your best friend was Stiles and Derek was positive that he was only around to annoy him. Stiles acted like he hated the fact that you were dating Derek, but in reality he was relieved by it because with all the things going on you needed someone like Derek to keep you safe.

Your best friend was Corey, that's actually how you and Liam met because Corey is Dating his best friend Mason. Corey loved that you and Liam were dating, everyone in the pack did. They all called it puppy love trying to be funny because you were the youngest betas in the pack. Corey also liked the fact that now he can finally get you to join in on couples movie night.

Ever since you moved to Beacon Hills you and Lydia had been best friends. She was there for you through your first full moon and everything else in your life. When you started liking Theo she was the only one that noticed, and she saw how close you guys were so she didn't mind you guys dating, but Stiles found every chance he could get to tell Lydia that she was making the wrong choice.

Hey I'm sorry I didn't get to post yesterday, I've been super busy. Please let me know if you like this and I might make a part two in the future.

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