How You Guys Cuddle

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He looks at you like you're fragile. Scott is always afraid of you getting hurt in some way because it's happened before, so when you guys cuddle he wants to make sure you know he's there to keep you safe, his arm wrapped around your shoulder the other holding your hand as your head rests on his chest.

When you guys cuddle there is no doubt that you guys are fighting over who gets to be the little spoon, which Stiles normally wins that argument, but you find it cute when he wants to be the little spoon so you don't question it while you lay there smiling at an adorable, sleeping Stiles.

Derek tries acting like a tough guy, but when he's around you he's the biggest softy there is and all the guys give him crap for it but you find it adorable. Cuddling with him normally leads to him cuddled up to you with his head on your shoulder and your fingers intertwined.

Liam is kind of new to the whole relationship thing but it doesn't stop him from always being there for you, cuddling with him is the cutest thing ever, but you never cuddle the exact same way every night all he needs is you by his side and as long as you are within arms length he's fine.

With Theo he doesn't care how you cuddle as long as your happy, he treats you like a princess and everyone's surprised about it, but all he wants is you happy, and when your happy he's happy. The main way you guys fall asleep most nights is you cuddled into his side sleeping as he looks down at you in awe thinking how lucky he is to have you.

(A/N) Hey guys so this is my second one and I'm kind of happy how this turned out, if you guys have any ideas on a preference you guys would like just comment and let me know ♡

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