I'm Sorry // Theo Raeken

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I was woken up by my alarm blaring in my ear. I turned it off yet again.

"(Y/N) you need to get up!" I heard my mother say. "You can't keep ignoring the fact that you have school!"

"But momm!!!!!" I said in a muffled tone from my pillow being over my face.

"I understand you are upset, but..." she was cut off by me responding quickly, "I'm not upset, I'm furious!" I stated even more pissed than I already was.

"He's been by to apologize four times now. If you would just hear him out I'm sure that everything would be okay"

"You don't understand, an apology can't fix this!"

"What do you mean by 'this'?"

"You just don't understand!"

"I might if you actually tell me what happened." I could tell that she was getting frustrated, but she just got up and walked out of my room. On her way out she turned off the light and shut the door.

I wanted to tell my mom, trust me, I really did, but how could I when I don't even understand it myself?

Theo had been so distant lately and I didn't understand why, so I went to talk to him about it and he got mad. He accused me of being the distant one, and he said that it didn't seem like I was trying anymore. I was trying harder then I ever had, so what was he talking about?! We ended up getting in an argument and he called me a dumb bitch, so I got pissed and walked off. I'm not sure what we are anymore.

I picked up my phone to see yet another voice mail from him. I decided to check it even though I wasn't going to call him back. "Hey... um... (Y/N)... I just wanted to call to say I'm sorry again. I hope that I see you at school today, but if I don't please know that I would do anything to talk to you again. I miss you." I deleted the message and I could already feel the tears slipping out of my eyes. I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

While I was standing there looking in the mirror at how much of a mess I was I started to talk to myself in a hushed tone, "Look at yourself (Y/N). You can't let some guy get you down like this. You are way stronger than you are letting on. So pull yourself together and show him what he's missing!" After my small, little pep talk I walk over to my closet to pick an outfit, I put my makeup on, and I curled my hair.
*The Picture Down Below*

After getting ready I walked down stairs and grabbed my car keys

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After getting ready I walked down stairs and grabbed my car keys. I was about to open the door when my mother stopped me, "Woah, I thought you weren't going to school. Is this outfit some way of getting back at him? If so, I approve, go show him what he lucked himself out of."

"Mom, I don't really feel like normal mothers would agree to this."

"Who said I was a normal mother. I raised you to stand up for yourself, not to let some guy push you around."

"Thanks mom," I said while walking out of the house with a smile on my face because of her response.

After arriving at school I sat there gripping the steering wheel trying to catch my breath before getting out of the car. I got out and soon caught up to my best friends, Lydia and Kira. "Woah, (Y/N)'s looking fierce" Lydia stated while Kira shook her head with a smile, "I'll take this as in you and Theo haven't made up."

"You know me so well."

"We better know you, we are your best friends after all."

Lydia cut us off, "Well hate to break this to you, but here he comes now!" I turned and saw him walking down the hall with his pack. As soon as his eyes hit me his mouth went from a frown to a smirk. He left them and walked straight to me. "Hey, I wasn't sure if I'd see you today," he said once he got to me.

"I wasn't sure either."

"Can we talk?"

"About what?" I tried playing it cool, but in reality I was trying not to cry again and I'm pretty sure he could pick up on my chemosignals.

"Can we go somewhere more private? I don't want to talk about it in front of everyone." I agreed and followed him to a less crowded area by his truck. "I miss you!"

"I miss you too Theo, but what's going on with you lately?"

"It's hard to explain..."

"Try me, I've always been here for you to talk to!"

"I've just been so busy with my new pack, and Tracy started telling me random stuff about you. I thought that you might have been cheating on me..."

"WHAT?! I would never!!!"

"I know that, I just got scared because it made me realize that maybe I'm not good enough for you."

"I swear if you ever think that again I'll fight that bitch for making you believe that!"

"See this is why I love you, will you forgive me?"

"Of course, but what made you change your mind?"

"I could hear how much your heartbeat sped up when you walked off from me. I could tell how hurt you were and I instantly knew that I was wrong." I gave him a quick smile before hugging him. Once the hug was over he took my hand and we walked back over to the girls.

Hope that you guys liked this and I'm sorry if it's not the best. I've been really sick and haven't had time to write, so this is the best I could do because I wanted to post for you guys as soon as possible.

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