Them As Stuff I Do & Say

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I've seen a few people do this and I thought it would be fun. I'm probably one of the most random people you will meet. These are some things I've been doing and saying lately and I have no clue where or why I started doing them!

Scott: *Rambling about literally everything ever*

Stiles: "The only thing I wear is hoodies and when I'm not wearing those I'm wearing flannels"

Derek: "Can you just... um not"

Liam: *Does 'My Cat Is beautiful' in sign language all the time* "It's the only thing you will ever need to know in life"

Theo: "Can you just stop breathing so loudly!?"

Isaac: "Yo Bro Dude Chill"

Brett: "I don't get crushes! Ooo girl what? Did you just see that beautiful human being?! I think I'm in love"

Aiden: "Ooo girl" (I see him saying this in a really sassy tone with his hand on his hip)

Jackson: "Oof" *and trips over literally nothing all the time* (also saying Oof when I trip over literally nothing)

Jordan: "Do Re Mi Re Do Do Do do do do DO"

Nolan: "I swear if you look at me one more time I might cry"

Gabe: *Always promises to do my homework, but never actually does it until like a week later*

Garrett: "I'm so flustrated" (mixture between flustered and frustrated)

Peter: "I hate people" "Oh look, my favorite people!!!"

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