The rest of Zayn's classes in the afternoon went rather slow, and his focus was really off today. Maybe he just had a lot on his plate. Obviously metaphorically speaking since he hardly ever touched a plate.

The day was now over and Zayn was just trying to get out of the crowd to get home. Luke had offered him a ride home, but he declined. A ride on the bus was all he needed to clear his mind.

While walking to the bus stop, he heard someone call after him.

"Zayn!" shouted Liam who was a few feet behind the boy, running to catch up with him.

Zayn clenched his math textbook against his chest as he heard Liam calling his name. He took a deep breath and turned around. Liam was now in his distance and was catching his breath. He walks up to Zayn and has quite the guilty look plastered on his face.

"Zayn, I'm really sorry for what I said. I saw you with Luke and I got a little upset, okay? So I got a little high and wasn't thinking! That text was cruel and not true. You're a sweet innocent boy."

Zayn stayed quiet and kind of just stood there to in take everything that Liam was saying.

"Zayn, please say something," begged Liam.

"Why were you so upset that I was talking to Luke? You and I are just good friends, Liam. You don't have to get jealous when I talk to other guys." Zayn was actually surprised he was letting out his feelings. He usually just kept them to himself.

"I wasn't jealous, just concerned. Luke isn't the best guy to be around. He's bad news."

Zayn pouted and ran a finger through his hair. "I know, I've heard all the stories about Luke being a heartthrob and a player, but why should I care? He's just my friend. I have no feelings towards him. It's not like I'm setting myself up for heartbreak."

"I guess you're right. But can you please forgive me, Zayn?"

Liam seemed sincere, so Zayn left it at that. "I can always forgive Liam, but I can never forget. Just don't be offended if I keep my distance."

He didn't care at that point, Liam just didn't care. He grabbed Zayn and hugged him. "Thank you so much."

Zayn slowly slipped out of Liam's hold; he hated hugs. He felt so much grosser compared to Liam when their bodies were pressed together. "I think I'll be going now."

Liam grabbed Zayn's shoulder to stop him from leaving. "Wait. Let me make it up to you. How about this Friday we hang out?"

"Is this like, a date?" asked Zayn.

Liam started stuttering, "We-Well, I-I guess. If you want it to be one?"

Zayn smiled. "I'd like that." He then waves goodbye and heads to the bus stop, leaving a mixed-emotion Liam.


"Zayn dear, can you please stir the noodles?" asked Trisha who was busy cutting up cheese.

"Yeah." Zayn walks over to the boiling pot of pasta and grabs a wooden spoon and starts stirring it clockwise. The hot steam is beating against his face that's hovered over the pot, making his face turn red.

After a few stirs, Zayn puts down the spoon and checks the steaks cooking inside the oven. They were all a perfect dark shade of brown, signaling they were cooked. "Mum, the steaks done."

"Okay hun. Give me a sec to find my mittens." Trisha opens up a drawer and digs through it until she finds her oven mitts and slips them on. She takes out the sheet with steaks on top of it and lets them cool on top of the stove.

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