maybe it's a strange thing, but i am breaking bad [T]

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Checking all my notifications during the last few days (or weeks, dunno), I found some nominations are still waiting for me. And because it's sunday, Stranger Things is kinda boring and I don't have any (close) friend in Pokémon GO, it's finally time to do all those tags!

First of all, this one is from

1. Mention those who tagged you

This should be you, kostorysmaedcheen and lesemonster_luiselle

2. Do it in three days

Shush, it's kinda more than three days since the tag...

3. Say ten things about you

I really love foxes (don't you saaay...)

I'm really happy at the moment and this time I know why

The only music playing in my car is TubeClash. The most played songs are Lifegoal, Nakama, Monster, Zeit bleibt stehen, Supernova, Demon. Repeat and repeat and repeat.

The most time I act like a childish kiddo, just to hide my real anxiety.

I hate talking to (unknown) persons. After any conversation I ask myself, what I've done wrong this time. Anyway I am talking too much.

I should write all my stories and still having ideas for new stories. Why?

I'm overthinking many things. Even those facts took me more than an hour to type.

I can't get over some things easily, but it feels so great in case I am. So do I now.

I don't drink coffee.

I hate summer...temperatures over 20°C are killing me.

4. Tag 28 people

The most I usually tag maybe have done the tag and I don't even know 28 people doing stuff like these. So, uhm, nope. Not this time.

5. Put a title on the tag.

I did. Watched Breaking Bad 1,5x and really love it, not watching Stranger Things waiting to get catchy.

6. Tell a joke.

How do you drown a hipster? Put him in the mainstream.

What's the best thing about switzerland? I don't know, but the flag is a big plus.

7. Tell a spoiler from one of your stories.

Read the published one. Here's a spoiler from an upcoming story: She will die.

8. Put the rules in the tag

No! Anarchy!

Meine WeltWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt