Chapter 6- Dance your soul out

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Today's the day... we I should say night because it's only just turned dark. I got dressed into the suit and I still can't tie the tie right.

"God Fucking dam Monkey suit!" I said getting angry at my tie.

I sigh as I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Drake if this is about the Mugs again, I meant it dude they aren't food."

"It's your father and what's this about the grey guy eating our mugs?" asked my father from the other side of my bedroom door.

"Don't worry about it, come in dad." I said as my father looked at the suit I was wearing.

"You look great, son."

"I still can't tie the stupid tie though." I said

"Here let me." Said my dad as I gave in and let him put the tie on me and tie it on.

"There, already for your big night." My father said patting my shoulders.

"Thanks dad." I said as he leaves my room

I put my one of my guns in the black leather holster on my back and the other on a holster upper my long dress pants around my calf.

I put the invitation in my pocket with the number for my ride. I walk out of my room to see the space buddies as I like to refer to them as look at me with jaws dropped.

"What?" I asked in confusion

"He looks like a man." Said drakes

"What about Peter?" asked Garmora

"Peter is a man baby."

This made Rocket and Groot laugh.

"So why are you dressed up like that, kid?" asked Rocket

"If you must know I have a mission tonight and I am under cover as Damon Taylor, weapons tester."

"Where your eyes, brown?" asked Garmora

"I put contracts in to change my eyes colour anyway, I have got to go now, no sure when I am coming back so don't wait up." I said as I left the apartment to Joie's bar where I see my favourite bar tender Joie.

"Hey boy what can I do for you?" asked Jo

"Hey Joie I am her on business." I said giving her the pieces of paper

"So you're the lucky bastard that car belongs to."

I simply nod as Joie caught me the keys to the car.

"It's out back." She simply said as I left to get my ride to mary- vile which is two hours out side New York.

I look at the car... HOLY SHIT... It was glories. {Image below of the car}

 {Image below of the car}

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I made it to the city where I meet Natasha. Mary- vile. No time to be sentimental now, I have a mission to do. I pulled up to the Hammer estate where I parked and walked in. I don't know what I was expected but I guess it wasn't 1940's music. I decide to blend in, I notice an elderly sitting down looking bored out of her mind.

"Good evening madam." I said to her

"What can I do for you sonny?" asked the lady

"I couldn't help but look at how bored you were I was wondering if you would care for a dance."

"God please." Said the lady as I pulled her into a swing dance

{Song below}

"So what's your name?" asked the lady

"Damon, Madam, Damon Taylor."

"Raised to be a gentleman." Said the lady impressed

"Only when I choose to be." I told her in all honesty

"Well enough of this madam Business then please call me Maybel, Maybel Andrew."

"Well Maybel, tell me have I mastered Swing dancing?" I asked her with a smirk

"I believe you to be better than the man I danced with back in the day Mr Taylor."

The song finished and we heard clapping coming from around the room.

Within the crowd, I notice three familiar faces Natasha, Clint and Tony. I have to make sure to avoid them because if I slipped up in front of one of them my cover would be blown sky high. I try to hide in the crowd of people when suddenly...

Natasha smirks and asked "Mind dancing with me, love?"

"It would be my pleasure madam." I said acting like a didn't know her and hoped she doesn't remember my voice... It's been eight years I highly doubt she will remember me if Clint can't.

We began to dance to song called 'It don't mean a thing'.

"So what's your name, love?"

"Damon, Madam, Damon Taylor and what might a dame like you be called?" I asked her adding a little bit of the 1940's language slip into my question

"My name's Amy, Amy Elliot." She lied to me

"What a lovely name doll." I flirted with her and gave her a smirk but on the inside I was screaming this is really weird and god please let the song be over yet.

"So Damon, what a gentleman like you doing in a place like this?"

"I am here because I am the weapons tester for Stark and Hammer." I told her simply

"Sounds dangers." She fake swooned

"Not really." I answered and shrugged.

The song finally finished.

"Thanks for the dance Damon." Said Natasha going back to Clint

I sighed in relieve now I just had to find Killian, Kill Killian and not get caught or blow my cover.

God this mission is going to be harder then I thought.

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