Chapter 11- Reunion from Hell

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Here I was, sitting on a couch with my army bros, waiting for a lot of yelling and hopeful no more people will be throwing shoes at my head tonight. It takes everyone about 30 minutes to make it to Shadow Alley.  My fathers {Deadpool and Peter Parker}, My brothers {Logan and Steve}, My Uncles {Matt, Foggy and Colossus } and my Aunts {Kitty and Natasha}. Then there was the Asshole, wackadoodle Uncle I don't like, {Sam}. 

"Stiles, I thought you were dead." Said Foggy pulling me into a bear hug

"Foggy, I need to breathe."

"Where have you been young man, you had us all worried." Said Matt

"What I have I told you about disappearing?" deadpool asked me

"Don't disappear unless you tell someone where you are going."

"Who are these Assholes?" asked Logan

"A long story."

"We have time." said Steve

"I am going to tell you but is there anything else anyone wants to tell me or yell at me?" I asked

"No I believe Kitty already did most of it." Colossus 

"Okay so dad, you remember when we took in those Aliens?"

"You mean, green lady, raccon, the talking tree and Mug eater ?" asked my father

"They have names, dad, Gamora, Rocket, groot and Drax."

"I don't care the grey on eat all my mugs." said my father in a pout

"Your telling us aliens are real?" asked Sam looking at me like I was crazy

"Yes, you asshole."

"Stop fighting you two, now continue with the story," said Natasha 

"Okay so they crashed their ship into my bar room and asked me to help them defeat a guy called Ronan who was in possession of an Infinity stone, there are six stones and they were created at the very beginning of the Universe," I told them 

"Of course I can I would help them, they were my friends... It was all last minute, I then meet there Pilot, an Asshole called Peter Quill, he is a human anyway we fought Ronan but Peter touched the infinity stone, because of how powerful the stone is it will kill any moral being so to even out the power Gamora grabbed Peter's hand and the rest of us followed in her league we all held the stone and defeat Ronan."

"How are you not dead, I head what those Stones do to people, stiles," said Colossus 

"We don't know but I am happy to report that touching the stone did nothing much beside made the scars on my back permanently glow purple in the dark."

"Anyway back to the story, after defeating Ronan, they needed Money so we took a mission to find two thieves so we went to a place called nowhere, where Peter, Drax and Rocket got drunk and groot stayed on the ship while Gamora and myself went to find them... Imagine my surprise when I found out that two of my teammates from the Howling forces were still alive instead of being dead." I told them 

"Everyone, this is Uriel Rivers and Mason Holland."

"How are they alive?" asked Steve 

"Well they were dead but then Hydra brought them back to life and sold them to an alien called the Collector but they both got away, Uriel has super speed and strength and Mason has the power of invisibility,"

"So where are they going now?"

"They will be staying with me under the alias Uriel and Mason Norman, they will be Victor Normans brothers," I told Natasha 

"So has  there been any luck finding Bucky?" I asked 

They shook their heads.

"But it's got to have you back Sti." said Peter Parker 

I smiled

Yeah it was good to be back.

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