Chapter 1- Your fault, MURDER

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My life was perfect, if I do say so myself. I had the perfect little family that consisted of my mum, my dad and me, Mysclaw 'Gemini' Stilinski. We lived in a two story house, it wasn't big but it was cozy. No I did not have any pets but that's fine when you have the best mother in the world who would make you chicken noodle soup when you are sick or tell you stories before bed. I didn't get to see much of my father but that's okay because I know he is putting the bad guys behind bars. You see my father is the deputy sheriff in the little town we call home. Beacon Hills. It was perfect before life decide to fuck it up.

My mother become very sick with a disease that effected her brain, I currently can remember the name of the disease but come on people, I am only an eight year old boy with ADD, can you really blame me. The doctors said mum wasn't getting any better, Hell, she was getting worse. It started small like she forgot the name of what a hospital is, then the name of the town we live in but it just got worse until one day she couldn't remember who the hell anyone was expected for dad and I.

I spent every day at my mother's bed slowly watching the person I once knew disappear forever. Meanwhile my father become the sheriff of Beacon Hills and pulled all the extra shifts he could not only to pay for mum's hospital bills but I believe he was avoiding her.

"Now that you readers know the base of my story let's get back to where I currently am." Said an eight year old stiles to you (readers)

"Are yes, I remember I was still in the hospital, on a cold November's night waiting for my father to pick me up."

I hate hospitals, there is absolutely nothing for me to do here expected, stare blankly out the black tinned glass windows or read magazines upside down on the humans reproductive system (not my idea of fun really). My mother's nurse, Sally Hopperson was nice enough to give me the odd crossword or Reese's peanut butter cup but that's about it. Sally is okay but I would prefer it if I wasn't at the hospital at all. I wished my mum was okay but the truth is she's not. Now ain't the true a real kick to the nevers. I hate the smell of hospitals it's like the smell of hand sanitiser all the dam time and because of how long I have been here, I think my lovely chocolate coloured hair is starting to smell like it (gross).

I have been waiting a whole freaken hour for dad to come pick me up but he is still a no show. I sighed and got up out of the plastic chair near mum's bed side. I quickly and quietly left her room, hoping she would wake up. I get to a hospital corridor and make some turns.

Okay, I am lost. Not like hypothetically lost. I mean I have never been in this part of the hospital before. Yep, it's offical dad is going to kill me once he finds out I left mum's room. 

Letting a sigh of frustration escape my lips, I try to re trace my steps but to no prevail. Suddenly a door caught the attention of my whisky coloured eyes with curiosity. It was a plain and simple oak wooden door but in big bold letters had the words, 'ROOF ACCESS' on it.

'Maybe dad can find me if I am on the highest point of the hospital.' I thought to myself as I opened the door and began to climb the mountain of stairs.

Little did I know that someone was following, little old me to the roof.

I made it up 4 flights of stairs before I came to my destination, the roof. I looked out to see the amazing Beacon Hills sunset. I remember all the times my dad would take me into the woods and we would watch the sunsets and rises from Beacon Hills over look and sit on his patrol car. I sigh in comfort by the small memory and watch the colours in the sky. Furore Pinks, African Oranges and fade light baby blue all danced in the sky when suddenly I heard the door to the roof open behind me. My head spins around at lightning speeds to see my mum standing there with her messy brown bed hair and glazed over copper brown eyes. Her face turns into a dread angry look. My mum has only ever used that look on me twice, once for the fact I broke her father's favourite vase and the lied about it and the second time was when I eat her peanut butter and raspberry cookies. She was still in her hospital grown and wore her thick wooly purple socks that I had helped her put on earlier today.

"Mum, What are you doing up here?" I asked slightly confused why she had followed me to the roof.

"You're killing me." She answered in enraged ton as she slowly stormed over to me

"I am your son, remember Mycslaw?" I said causing her to stop dead in her tracks before these words left her mouth.

"I don't have a son."

The reality hit me like a fucking Mac truck, my mother doesn't remember me. And let me tell you for an eight year old boy like myself, this was the shit straight out of a fucking horror film.

"Mum What are you talking about of course I am your son." I said hoping this was one of my mother's pranks or a dream and not really happening.

" I don't have no fucking son." She screeched like a banshee

"Stop talking you fucking murder."

" I am not murder." I retorted causing her to move closer to me

"Not a murder, you say but you are the reason, I am in this fucking hospital on a bed just waiting to die."

"If I am dying then your fucking coming with me." She screamed at me as she started charging at me.

Dear fucked up life, you have really screwed me over this time, I mean having my own mother forget who I am and she is about to kill me. This is really new fucking low for you.

As my own mother was about to charge at me causing me and her to fall to our deaths I made myself as small as I could when she was close to me. I had tears fell from my whisky coloured eyes. It all happened so fast. My mother tripped over me and began to fall down to the bitcher man cover parking lot below. The words she screamed to her death will haunt me forever, "You Murdered Me!"

I looked down to the parking to see nothing but red and in the centre of the bloody mess was my mother's messed up body. Her bones were probably broken everywhere.

What the bloody motherfucker just happened? My mum's dead and I am the reason for it

My vision was blurred by the waterfall of tears that fell down onto the red hoodie that her and dad got for me on my seventh birthday. I wipe my eyes dry and keep looking to the people down below that had surrounded my mother's lifeless corpse.

"No, no, no CLAUDIA!" I heard a familiar voice yell out in pain and grief. It was my father in his sheriff uniform. I rushed down from the roof. No one can know what had happened on that roof that night...NO ONE.

I come to the entrance of the hospital to see a white sheet on my mother's corpse and my father being escorted away.

"Dad." I called out with tears yet again streaming down my face.

My father looked at me enraged as he pulled me into the car as we drove home. In silence. Not even the sound of crickets chirping could fill the silence... it was noticing but pure heart wrenching, gut wrenching, numbing... silence.

Like Father, Like SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora