Chapter 12- Bucky Pov:

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My mission was not complete and I was being back for assessment. I was in the chair. 

Scientist #1 "Sir, he's...he's unstable. Erratic."

When my boss come in and asked "Mission report."

I just looked at him blank and don't bother to respond 

" Mission report, now. " said my boss

"The men on the bridge who were they. Who were they?" I asked 

" You met him earlier this week on another assignment."

" I knew them. " I told my boss

"Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we're gonna give it a push. But, if you don't do your part, I can't do mine, and HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves."

 "But I knew them." I repeated to boss 

 "Prep him."

I hate those words only pain comes out when they are said.

Scientist #1"He's been out of cryo-freeze too long."

 "Then wipe him and start over." said my boss

 The scientists strap me in my chair and then place a teeth shield in my mouth as they begin the process of wiping my brain with me screaming in pain. But this time it was different instead of nothingness I saw flashes of memories.

Flash back:

I had just finished a mission in a place calls Hell Kitchen and waiting for my handler to pick me up. I was sitting on a roof when suddenly I see a little kid with brown hair and Whiskey brown eyes the same colour as one of the man's eyes I fought on the bridge today . The kid wore a red hoodie just like the one of the bridge. I put my gun to his head and ask him

"What do you want?" I asked him in Russian... I wasn't expecting him to talk back to me in Russian.

"Nothing but for you to remove your gun from my head."

"You speak Russian." I said amazed 

"Russian, Polish and English."

"Why are you up here kid?" I asked him in English

"I was planning, to uses this as my temporary house, but seeming you are currently I will probably another one."

"What are you on the run from?" I asked him

"My past." He answers as he leaves me alone on the roof waiting to go back to the hell that is my life working for Hydra.

Then my memories flashed to about a week after meeting that boy with whisky eyes. 

I went on another mission when I saw the boy again.

"Vam deystvitel'no nuzhno prekratit' tolkat' pistolet vozle moyego litsa. {You really have to stop shoving your gun near my face}" said the boy

"You're the kid I saw on my last mission." 

"Mission? Okay well I don't know what you're doing on this roof and frankly I could care less I have to get a move on before the police find me." said the young boy

"Why are the police looking for you?" 

"It's because..." he was cut off by the sound of sirens which caused me to hid behind a vent.

"It's because I killed so bad people and the media has pinned it as murder instead of self-defence."

"Looks like I will be here for awhile, the police are too close for me to slip out." he said to myself as he sighed and sat down.

"What's in the bag?" I  asked 

"Everything I own."

"How about we get to know each other?" he asked me.

"My name is Mysclaw Stilinski but you can call me Stiles, what's your name?"

"I don't know but where I come from they call me the winter solider."  I Said 

"Okay, lets start with something simpler, your favourite type of gun?"  Stiles asked me which surprised me.

"AK 47."

"Cool my grandfather owns one of these then again he is not the nicest man neither is my father." Stiles said with a sigh letting a little too much slip.

I looked at his unzipped bag to see the photo of Foggy, Matt andStiles at the photo booth at the museum.

"Who are they?" 

"Well about a week after we 1st meet I was stabbed the blind dude saved me somehow and I lived with them for about a week until I was better before I left actually I left today." Stiles explained as he picked up the photo and looked at it.

"Matt is the blind one he is wearing glasses, Foggy is the guy in the beanie we took that photo at the Captain America exhibit."

"You look happy with them why did you not stay with them?" I asked in confused

"I would have stayed with them if the police wasn't hunting me but I have never been a believer of happy endings." Stiles said 

I saw the teddy bears

"What are they?"  I asked 

"Well these are teddy bears but this brand was modelled after heroes from the Second World War, the one with the star on his shield is known as an America Bear, I had him since the day I was born, I called him Mr Cuddles."

"The other one is a Bucky Bear which Foggy gave me today but I called him Koc."

"What is a Bucky and what does Koc mean?" I asked 

"Bucky was one of the soldier's that fought in World War 2 alongside his best friend steve and Koc stands for King of Cuteness." Stiles said as he put the Bears back into his bag.


"Shit I have been here too long, sorry winter I have to go." He said as he put his duffle bag on his back and started running from rooftop to roof top. 

Just leaving me there in confusion to what the fuck was going on.

End of the flashback:

Everything about the last mission was wiped from my memory expected for those whisky coloured eyes and the name that will stay with me for a while, Stiles...

What the Hell is a stiles?

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