Chapter 5- NINE

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In the end I listened to 'Bruce' and stayed on the floor until he got the man to leave. I got up from the and started to walk up the stair no my surprise no one even questioned why an 8 year old boy who is hurt doing in a bar... Is that the start of a bad joke?

I wait for Bruce on top of the roof...

And wait...

And wait

Still bloody motherfucking waiting here for Bruce...

I was about to leave when Bruce came up to the roof.

"Please, take a seat." Said Bruce as we both sat on the floor

"Sorry about punching you kid but, Marty was about to murder you in front everyone."

"Well thank you for saving my life but next time please don't punch me." I told him as Bruce stitched up my cheek.

"Noted." He said

I hissed in pain as he finished stitching me up.

"What are you some kind of Doctor?" I asked

"Yeah, something like that kid." He replied

I thought to the wounds my father made on my back.

"If I asked to patch up some wounds, you won't ask questions?" I asked him looking into his dark brown eyes to see if he would lie to me

"No questions asked." He said and I could see he was telling the truth.

"There on my back." I replied as I took off my hoodie

I hear he gasped as he took of the bandages and stared at the words carved into my back before he started to treat my back.

"So what is a nice man like you doing here?" I asked him as he cleaned my wounds

"I was born here and got mixed up in the wrong people and here I still am."

"Why don't you just leave?" I asked

"Honestly, I am a little scared to go on my own."

"Well, I am only going to be here until your done clearing my wounds." I told him

"How long have you been travelling?" asked Bruce

"To be honest with you Bruce about a day."

"So where are sleeping tonight?" asked Bruce

"Well I am not going to bull shit you Bruce, I am going to walk about an hour out of his town into the woods and sleep in a tree."

"I can't leave this town yet... hey I never did catch your name." said Bruce

"Just call me, Stiles." I told him

"Well Stiles, I can't leave this town yet."

"I can't believe you didn't ask me about the wounds." I told Bruce honestly confused slightly

"Let's just say, I know what it's like to have someone close to you hurt you." He said to me as we both left from the roof and when our separate ways. Bruce went deeper into the town while I was still on my journey out of here. I walked into thee forest and found a stable tree and that is where I called 'home' for the night.

Honestly, readers, I don't understand what Bruce meant by 'I know what it's like to have someone you love hurt you' Then again that's another question for another day. He was a nice guy even if he did punch me. Yay. Not a fan of Bruce punching me in the face.

The next morning I got up and when to the community bathrooms. Lets just say if Gross had a kid with Nasty that would be the community bathrooms of Kenina. I sighed, eat a tin of spaghetti. I never know tinned spaghetti could taste so good. I brushed my teeth and made my way back into the town to the bus stop.

"1 ticket bus ticket to the city town please." I said to the lady at the ticket station

" That will be 15 dollars." Said the lady as she gave me my ticket and I forked out the right amount of cash.

"There is your ticket to Mary-vile, young sir." Said the lady as she gave me my ticket

'Well out of the 975 dollars I had I only have 960.' I thought to myself as I looked at the time

My bus left at 9 am and it's 8:30 at the moment. I was sitting at the bus stop when I stared at my ticket, I looked at the date.... It was official my birthday today. I am official a runaway nine year old.

Like Father, Like SonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora