Chapter 6- Mary-vile

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I am now on my way Mary-vile which is still in California. I sigh as I looked out the window of the bus, unlucky for me the person sitting next to me was snoring like there was now tomorrow. I still could get over it, I am officially 9 years old and it is my second day away from Beacon Hills. I have meet some very nice people and some ....well, I am just going to say it.... Assholes. The bus stops at the next bus stop to pick up some people, but something fells off, not like normal off more like this shit is about to get real. Three men in black hoodies enter the bus before they shot the bus driver, which waked up the person next to me. The person panicked next to me causing one of the men in a hoodie shot the guy next to me. I flinched as blood splattered across my face.

Well that's the stuff of nightmares aren't it.

"Now, now, everyone, no one will be hurt as long as the prince of Wakadna, T'chala is given to us." Demanded the leader I believe who hand half a melt face.

Then one of the man saw me.

"Come here, Kid." Said one of the man as he grabbed moved me into the lilies at the front of the bus

"T'chala, come out or the kid gets it." Said the leader as he puts the gun to my head

I began to cry, No it's not going to end like this on a fucking bus after two days of running. No It' can't, I won't let it. I thought as a grabbed the leader's gun out of his hand, which surprised him before I shot him and all the other man in the head. I guess all practice at the shooting range with my father really paid off. I knew I had to leave before the police got here so I grabbed my duffle bag and was about to exit the by when a man came up to me and said...

"Thank you for saving, my son T'chala and I from these men." Said the man as I nod and run off the bus and into the woods.

I climbed up and got a water bottle and cleaned the blood off my face as I but my blood cover hoodie into a plastic bag in my duffle bag as I put on a Captain America shirt as I started walking yet again. God, I am really getting sick of walking.

Then it hit me, the man who talked to me was a 'King'.

I finally made it to Mary-vile where I found a guy with a bike cycle.

"How much for the bike?" I asked him

"I was 600 dollars."

I gave him the money and got the bike. I know I spent a lot of money but a least I can get around without using the bus. I am official down to 360 dollars. I tried using my father credit card but it was already cancelled, which means it is going to be hard for me to keep going. I got on my bike and started to petal to my next destination but before I could a woman with a lot of crazy curly hair.

"Hey kid, where are you going?" asked the woman

"Probably for a shelter for the night."

"Where are your parents?" asked the woman

"Dead." I half lied

"Kid today is your lucky day, I have to leave town now but my hotel I don't have to leave until 5 pm tomorrow." Explained the woman giving me the key to her hotel room.

"Thank you." I said with the 1 st real smile I have had in a long time

"It's fine, I will walk you to the hotel."

"So what's your name kid?" asked the lady

"Are you polish?" I asked

"No." she answered

"Can you speak Polish?"

"No." she answered again

"Then you can't say my real name so please call me stiles."

"Cool, I am Natasha Romanoff." She told me

Natasha is nice. I wish could go with her but she has her secretes, I could see that much and I have mine.

We made it to a hotel called 'Greenway.'

"It was nice meeting you, Stiles." She said as she disappeared into the night.

I looked at the keys to see, the room was number 24. I enter the room and fall straight onto the bed, this was the 1st time in 2 days I have been able to sleep on.

Well today was interesting, wasn't it?

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