Chapter 1- Thank you

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It's been 8 years since I have left Beacon Hills, 8 years since I my mum died and It's been 8 bloody years of putting up with Deadpool's shivered ass. And lets get some things straight I am no longer the sad kid that blamed himself for his own mother's death. No I am the red hoodie wearing, bat wheeling mercenary known as red. I am covered in tattoos and have scars littering my body from the different missions my father and I went on together. Like the mission of Johnna {Johnass} I have a scar on my back from where his sword cut me then again he lost in the end by having his head smashed in my bat. But this was all in the past let's move onto my current predicament, shall we?

Sweat dipped from my forehand as blood coated my hands. My bat in one and a gun in the other. You see I am on a mission currently.

Guess where I am ?

No, well let me tell ya, it wasn't Disney land, God knows I wish it was Disney land but noooo. I am in fucking Honduras in a city known as Tegucigalpa never heard of it? Well I had until I took up this mission, turns out it's Central American country with Caribbean Sea coastlines to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. Do you want to know what this city is famous for and it's not just it's Rosy Metropolitan Zoo Walther, no it's because the average rate is 90.4 murders per 100,000 people. Do you still want to go on a holiday here now, think long and hand about your answer.

Anyway I have gotten off topic, right I am on a mission in Honduras in a city known as Tegucigalpa. It was a simple mission. Track down a girl called Marian Le aManlin and return her to her mother in the states.

This is me taking on the mission- Sweet easy money

Two months later- Bloody hell, where the fuck is Marian

Are you starting to sense my frustration yet?

I walk over to the door of a heavy armed base with a grin crazier than the Jokers.

"Hey fella's any of you seen a nine year old girl by the name of Marian by any chance, no okay we you were no help to me." I said as I shoot two guards outside the building before I entered.

I start fighting people when my phone goes off.

'Looked up across the smoke filled room

Felt the tension build

This night has only just begun

So here we go!

You gotta, just feel the energy

You gotta, just know who the enemy is

We are hungry for adrenaline

We're about to go insane, you'll see

Bring out the guns We love the danger

One, two, three Just pull the trigger

One bullet left inside the chamber

Let us play some Russian Roulette Drop.

Let go of everything within Release the inner peace

This game has only just begun

So here we go!

You gotta, just feel the energy

You gotta, just know who the enemy is

We are hungry for adrenaline

We're about to go insane, you'll see

Bring out the guns We love the danger

One, two, three Just pull the trigger

One bullet left inside the chamber

Let us play some Russian Roulette Drop.'

"Can you all please stop trying to get out of your head lockers while I put my dad on speaker?" I asked as I put it on speaker while fighting them.

"Dad, you call at the worst times." I said as I shoot one of the men in the head

"Sorry kid... wait are you still on the Marian Mission Red?"

"Yes dad." I said as one of the big fella's punched me in the face

"Bitch." I said as I shoot him too

"Language stiles."

"Dad there is already Colossus who gets up me for that, I don't need to too." I grumbled as I hit a guy in the head with my bat

"Fine come back to the apartment whenever you finish your mission."

"Will do bye dad." I said hanging up

Well after that. When all the men were down I was moving onto the last room of the building when I saw one of the bodies move so I shot him in the head again.

"Never can be to careful, I've seen the stats of this city and I don't like them." I said to myself as I opened the door to see a nine year old girl tied up.

"Are you Marian Le aManlin, lets go get you to your mother and get some ice cream." I said as I untied the young girl

She hugged me humoured a thank you.

Now all I have to do is but her and myself on a plane and off I was to collected my check.

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