Chapter 9: What did just happen!?

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Akja's P.O.V:

I turned around one last time, looked back at my old life one last time and yowled to my pack one last time, saying goodbye knowing I would never see them again, then I turned around again and ran forward, ran into a new life, ran to find a new pack, ran hoping Tamin heard my yowl and would knew what happened to me, that she wouldn't worry to much and that I would see her again.


Tamin's P.O.V.:

I woke up hearing a painful yowl which made my heart stop... it was Akja.

I took on a shirt and ran downstairs to her room, knocking on the door and shouting for her to open up... but she didn't... I knocked another time... she still didn't open the door so I opened it myself and when I entered the room my heart stopped... her room was empty, all her stuff was gone, there were no clothes in the wardrobe, no hair- or toothbrush in the bathroom, even her scent wasn't to smell anymore... my wolf was going crazy worrying what happened to our mate.

I ran out of the room straight to Angar's room and hectically knocked on his door. He opened after the third knock.

“Where is she?”


“Your sister!?”

“I don't have a sister”, she said his eyes cold staring into mine. I couldn't believe what he just said, he found out about her and I and now he says she wouldn't even be his sister anymore!?

“Are you fucking kidding me? Where is Akja!?!”, I shouted at him feeling my anger growing when he began to laugh.

“Who is Akja? I just remember a stupid girl who was dumb enough to say she'd own MY girl so I kicked her out.”

“You did what!?”

“I told her to fuck of or I'd break her weak neck with my own hands. You belong to me, got it!”, he shouted at me.

I felt my wolf fighting against me, begging me to let her out so she could rip his head off for kicking our mate out and saying stuff like that but I couldn't... as much as I wanted to let her out to rip his head off so Akja could come back and lead the pack I knew it wouldn't work that way, I needed to make a plan, so I turned around not saying another word to him, went out of the house and ran into the forest.

Outcast (girlxgirl Lesbian Stories)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz