Chapter 11: 2 Months

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Hey so I didnt think I would actually be writing this soon again yeah I Know I just said I cant write atm but right Now I just felt like it might be that when you read this this moment is already weeks ago but ... well I'll try :)


Akja's P.o.v

2 Months... its freaking 2 months! I kept running around the forrest but everytime I would meet any other pack they would tell me to leave or they would kill me... just like my brother said he would do... my brother... is he even my brother? I mean family has to stick up for each other dont they but What Did he do? Stole me my mate... my mate... Tamin... my Tamin... my mate, my girl, my love, my whole heart... my life... she didnt come to me once she didnt went on finding me I guess but I just cant take it! Did they ever marry? I mean a lot Can happen in two months... What if she married him? What if she forgott about me? Would I ever be able to forgett about her? Definitly not! This girl... she is all I ever wanted, all I need, all I have... or had... I dont have her anymore...

I ran up the hill and layed down. I could perfectly See the sky from here... the sun rising and the little village near the sea with the beautiful blue and fresh water down the hill... a beautiful place for a beautiful girl What was that? It almost sounded like Tamin spoke to me... but didnt she forgett about me? I could never forgett about my beautiful love okay cut the almost, that was definitly Tamin's voice I just heard... but how? 'Because you miss her youre halozinating girl', my wolf told me. I guess she was right since I didnt hear any other word from that angelic voice anymore...

I kept laying on the ground as the sun started to rise, I lifted my head and opened my eyes, which I didnt even had noticed I had closed, watching the sun rising higher until she finally stood bright at the sky and laughed down at me... the sun in her beauty, this beautiful yellow and the heat she gives people, the moons big sister, the big protector over the human's heads, a beautiful build out of lava and fire, heat and brightness... you cant compare her to the moon through, Its the moons big sister, without the sun the moon would never be shining yet I feel so much closer to the moon than to the sun... Its like Im just Not good enough Im Not worth to look at the sun once Thats Why my eyes hurt if I tried I wouldnt be able to See for a time if I tried yet I try it over and over again just to See if she finally accepts me, if Im finally worth it... but I Know Im not... Im just the younger sister, the One who left her pack, the one who ran away instead of fighting, the one who let her pack left behind her as she ran away with one last, long, painfilled yowl... the one who left her mate...

I kept trying to look at the sun yet it still hurt, I couldnt See anything... the moons so cold you could never get to Know her, shes so close, yet so far, Shes so cold, yet she it feels like she loves me... she has to love me, Im a wolf, we're her children she makes us who we are, without her we would just be weak... I feel so much closer to the moon than to her sister... yet theyre both so far... I trust them to come to me every day... yet they always leave...


Yay I finally Made it to Update today (btw I wrote it in like an hour or less) well What do you think? I think this One is really great, like Its so poetic :D

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