The Future is Ours

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Here it is. The final chapter of Ella Bass trilogy. Thank you all for everything. I loved writing these books and loved hearing from all of you even more. This chapter will contain a few snippits from Ella's life as a mother and wife. Enjoy and can't wait for you all to see what I have planned next.

Halloween Two Years Later

"Charlotte, do you still want to make desserts for Gigi?" I ask my daughter from the next room. I don't even need an answer as I hear her running from the next room.

"Gigi!!!Gigi!!! What are we making?" She moves her cooking stool over as she eagerly looks over what we have in front of us.

"Well, Aunt Blair and Henry are bringing over things to make pie and Serena is little good bags we can help her make to pass out to other trick or treaters."

"Oooohhhh!!!! Candy!!!"

"This candy is not just for you and Henry. It's for others as well."

"I know mamma!!!" I kiss her head. The doorbell rings and she bolting to the door ready to see Henry.

"Henry!!!" She picks Henry up in a huge hug.

"How's my favorite little niece." Blair kisses Charlotte as I help her with the supplies.

"I'm great!!! Come on Henry we're making dessert!" Charlotte leads her cousin into the kitchen showing him around even giving him an apron to wear.

"So how are things?" I ask Blair.

"Things are busy. So much sells overseas and business meetings every day, but I don't have to tell you much since you're working full time again and raising an amazing little girl."

"I'm so glad to hear that business is going well. And I can't believe she'll soon starting school." We both gaze at our children. "I can't believe it was six years ago that she came into my life. She is growing up so fast that I..."

"I understand. I remember when I found out I was pregnant with Henry and now he's walking and beginning to talk and dress like Chuck." We laugh at Henry's matching tie and pocket handkerchief.

"He will defiantly be the best dressed four-year-old ever."

"Hello! I've made it!" We rush Serena in a group hug.

"S, we've missed you. How was your trip with Dan?" She barely looks at us and we wonder what's up.

"S are you knocked up?" Blair gets straight to the point.

" but will think twice about wearing this again." She gestures to her outfit. "But I am uh...engaged."

"WHAT!!!!" Blair and I take her stretched out a hand and examine the ring on her finger.

"S!!! This amazing!!!"

"When did this happen?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"We were on his book tour during one of his breaks he made me a nice dinner and in true Dan fashion, things didn't go how he wanted. And after we put out the fire he popped the question and I said yes." All three of us kept jumping up and down with joy.

"OMG, this means we have another wedding to plan!!!" Blair exclaims with joy.

"S, we're so happy for you."

"Thank you, it means so much that we have all been there for each other's special day."

"What are friends for."

"Momma, Henry and I want some candy." Charlotte comes in pulling Henry along with her.

"Henry knows he can't have any until he helps make the deserts." Blair reminds them. Their little faces fall with being denied a sweet treat.

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