Microfilms and Fashion

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I love hearing from each and every one of you. It makes me happy to read that so many of you are enjoying Ella and her journey through the crazy life as an Upper Easter Sider. Enjoy this update.

Nate's POV

Ever since cotillion and finding out that Sage wasn't the girl I thought she was. I've had to deal with more issues with the Spectator. I'm running out of money to fund it and possibly facing losing this paper I've worked so hard to build. All my effort will be for nothing. Even Bruce couldn't help me or give me an advice other than getting more money. If I had the money in the first place this wouldn't be an issue. I can't go to any of my friends for help. Blair is busy making her mark as the CEO of her mother's company. Chuck is busy trying to take down his dad and is still suffering from baling Blair out of her marriage. Serena doesn't have money other than Lily's and well Ella and I are still on weird terms. She's made up with Chuck and all, but she's still distant from me. I want her to be happy and hope that Carter does treat her the way she should, but my love for her will always be there.

As if things couldn't get worse, as I'm going through the Spectator books none other than Bart Bass comes through my door.

"I don't know why you're here, but get out." I order as I stand up to glare at him. "Before security throws you out."

"That's not a very nice way to greet your partner." He's talking shit now. No ways are this true.

"What are you talking about?" He pulls out this folder from under his arm and flips through the pages.

"You are indebted to me, and I'm here to collect. So, unless you wanna lose everything, you're gonna help me defeat Chuck. Buck up. It's gonna be fun." I look through the papers and see Bart's signatures on all of the forms.

"You cosigned on my loan. I never asked you to do that."

"Ingratitude doesn't become you, Nathanial." I throw the folder on my desk. "You have put so much work into the Spectator. It would be a shame to lose it all now."

"I'm not gonna betray my best friend. My loan will be in default. I'll file for bankruptcy. And as for the Spectator. You can take it." I stand my ground not backing down to Bart.

'Your loyalty is very touching. I only wish you would have shown the same when you were dating my daughter."

"What happened between Ella and me, is none of your business."

"Oh, but it is. Ella is my daughter and I care about her very much. I know that you broke her heart and that doesn't sit well with me. You are lucky she has found a better man."

"You don't know who Carter is and he's not a good man."

"Oh, better than one that committed fraud."


"I am afraid your actions have more serious consequences. You couldn't resist faking the numbers." I hold my head down not looking at him. "Must be an Archibald gene. Good thing Ella got out when she did. Who knows what you may have corrupted her with."

"I never intentionally did anything to hurt Ella. I love her."

"You have a choice. Either you can tell me Chuck's plan to win over Ivy, or you can go to prison." I sit down trying to weigh my options. He's not giving me much of a choice. "And drag your mother and grandfather through a public disgrace. Even more sensational than that of your father's. What's it gonna be?" I'm in deep shit. How could I let myself get into this mess?

Ella's POV

Blair finally found the perfect inspiration for her collection. Fashion made for high school girls. It's the audience she speaks to best and the one that will make her the most money. I know she doesn't think tonight will end well, but she has so much heart and passion that no matter what the outcome she should be proud of herself.

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