KiKi Fashion or Just Kinky

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The drama that goes down in this chapter is amazing. I loved writing it. Thank you, again for all the feedback.

Things after CeCe's funeral took a turn for the worse. CeCe left everything to Ivy and now it's van der Woodsen and Rhodes against Ivy for all the money in the world. I'm doing everything in my power to stay out of their family drama. The last thing I need is to get in the middle of that mess. Thankfully Serena and Blair are back on speaking terms after getting over Blair wanting to be with Dan. Now our apartment is filled with joy and laughter once again and I couldn't be happier. This is my last semester at Columbia and I've been anxiously planning my next business venture and what plans I have for the summer. It feels like I never have time off to relax but everyone says you can sleep when you're dead.

I am skyping with Gina as she meets with my team in Paris to discuss the next time I need to fly in for a photo shoot for Chanel's new line when I hear a squeal coming from Blair's room. I rush over to make sure she's okay.

"B, what's wrong?"

"The question you should ask me E, is what's right. Louis signed our divorce papers." We hug each other and she shows me the official paperwork and I couldn't be happier for her.

"B, this is great news."

"I know. I can finally be in a real relationship with Dan. One I don't' have to hide from anyone fearing Louis will change his mind."

"That's great B."

"How have you and Nate been?" I find it out she would ask me this after her great news.

"Fine. He's been swamped with work and trying to find a new investor for the Spector."

"A new investor?"

"Yeah, the stocks on the newspaper are plummeting and their stocks are low. Nate hasn't had luck with anyone just yet."

"I hope he finds someone soon. The Spectator has done such good things for Nate. It's made him grow up more than I ever thought he could."

"What are you two laughing about?" Serena walks into the room and we group hug as we take our seats on Blair's bed.

"Oh, nothing. Just the idea that Nate could ever mature." I joke.

"As funny as that is. Congratulations B. Dorota told me it's your first official day as a single woman." She exclaims to Blair.

"It's true. I am finally freed of my shackles of royal matrimony and Louis' horrible family."

"Well, not that you're ready to rejoin the civilian population, how do you plan to spend your first day as plain Blair Waldorf?" Blair avoids Serena's gaze not knowing how to answer her. There was a brief awkward silence before Serena caught on. "Oh, sure. Yeah with Dan. I'm...I know it hasn't been easy, but I am happy for you." Blair's phone goes off with a blast from Gossip Girl.

"Oh, of course. A Gossip Girl blast about my divorce coming through. How does she know everything so fast?"

"She probably has someone staked out in front of the building. You know what's strange? Ever since the real Gossip Girl's been back, I've barely been mentioned."

"What's stranger is that Ella has been the center of her attention for the past week?"

"I have?" This shocks me since I haven't done a Playboy shoot or accidental pregnancy or even had a meltdown in public.

"Yeah, ever since news broke about what went down at Nate's Valentine's day party she's been tracking your relationship's every move. Even have people guessing who he spends more time with you or Lola." Blair hands me her phone as I scroll through the bullshit this girl has posted.

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