Merry Life

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I loved writing this chapter, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Be ready to possibly cry.

Christmas two years later

"Are you sure you have everything?" I ask Carter for the millionth time as we head up to Lily's place.

"Babe, I've told you I tripled check. I had everyone's gifts delivered today at three and I have the food you made in my hands."

"Did you bring Lily's champagne?"

"Pretty sure to her alcohol is food so yes." Charlotte is now two and ready to run or walk anywhere. She is excited to see Lily.

"There's my beautiful grad baby!" Charlotte waddles to Lily's open arms as she gives her a big hug. Surprisingly Lily is a hands-on grandmother unlike she was as a mother to Serena and Eric. She has defiantly softened since Charlotte's birth. "How was the traffic getting here?" She kisses each of our cheeks while William helps Carter place the food in the kitchen. It has taken some time to get used to William being back in the picture but he and Lily seem to really love each other and that's all I can ask for.

"Just a little construction on 6th, but other than that Arthur got us here safe and sound." Carter gives Lily the champagne. Eric comes over to help with the food and give Charlotte a hug. She helps him take what she can handle to the kitchen.

"Thank you, Carter, this is my favorite." She places it on ice so we can have some later.

"When is the rest of our crazy family getting here?" I ask as William plays with Charlotte.

"Well, Serena and Dan are picking up the desert and last I heard from Chuck and Blair they were on their way and Nate well he said he'll be here."

"Perfect. This is going to a magical evening."

It didn't take long for Chuck and Blair to arrive and Charlotte always knows when her uncle/godfather is in the room because she installs perks up. She squealed when she heard his voice. Chuck loves his close relationship he has with her and I can't wait for him to become a father one day.

"How's my princess doing today?" Chuck picks Charlotte up who can't help but squeal with excitement being in her uncle's arms.

"Unc al Chuck!!!" He kisses her and spins her around making her laugh uncontrollably.

"I don't know about Charlotte but I'm doing just fine." Carter likes joking with Chuck more and more. It makes me wonder how they went from hating each other's guts to being somewhat friends.

"It's good to see you Baizen. How's work?"

"It's booming, how's running Bass Industries?" I hand Carter his drink.

"Has its ups and downs but everything is better when I get to come to two favorite girls." Carter kisses me. Chuck kisses Charlotte's head and turns her around as she smiles at us.

"Ella!" I hear Blair's voice as she runs to me.

"B! How was Paris?"

"Beautiful as always. Wish you could have joined us for Thanksgiving."

"I know I wish I could too, but Charlotte had a double ear infection and Carter's family wanted to see us."

"Well, you have to join us next year. I would love to show my niece Paris." Chuck hands Charlotte to Blair so she can give her one of the giant candy canes.

"She would love that."

"MAMA!" I look to Charlotte who is demanding that Carter open the candy cane. "Candy!" She kisses Carter on the cheek once he opens it for her.

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