Family Business

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Here it is, the last chapter of season five. I hope you all are ready for a rollercoaster of a ride that comes when season six starts. You're going to need some tissues and popcorn because the drama will be pouring in from the beginning. Enjoy this new update.

I had only a few hours to make myself presentable for Bart's coming out party. I wanted to avoid everyone and hide in my room for the rest of time, but Chuck made the announcement that this party would be a family affair. I was needed to introduce Bart and to shake hands with him for the Times. It took everything in me not to jump my brother when I saw him. He just finished talking to Bart and Lily when I made my appearance. I know better than most that these events are not the right place to discuss family matters, but that doesn't mean he won't know I'm upset with his decisions.

"Ella, you look beautiful." Chuck greets me. I give him my cheek to kiss and nothing more.


"Is something the matter? Are you upset that I didn't consult you about the party beforehand? I did this all last minute and..."

"It's fine Chuck. You've done a wonderful job with this. Bart must be proud."

"Our father does seem cheerful and he even gave me this." He shows me the ring he had made for Blair.

"Why would he give you that?"

"I think he wants me to pursue a life with Blair. We're finally getting everything we've wanted Ella. We're finally going to be a family." Chuck was so cheerful but all I felt was emptiness.

"At least one of us is getting everything they've wanted." I snap at him as he gives me a confused look. I try walking past my brother but he stops me.

"Did I piss you off in the last twenty-four hours? I thought our father being alive would bring us closer as a family?" I whip around so fast that Chuck has to take a step back from me.

"Like you know the meaning of family!"

"Where is this coming from?" Chuck is getting frustrated.

"Why don't you ask Nate? You're the one who said he cheated on me with Diana." Our moment is broken up as we're called to the stage.

"Ella, please..."

"Mr. and Ms. Bass please we need you to introduce your father." I nod my head and make my way ignoring Chuck the whole way.

I make my way up to the stage taking the help from one of the reporters ignoring Chuck. I head to the microphone first not caring if Chuck was the one supposed to speak first. He's done enough as it is.

"You've all gathered here to witness history in the making. Our father went into hiding three years ago to save his family from his own actions. Tonight, we honor him with welcoming him back to lead the family business." Everyone applauds as Bart makes his appearance on stage.

"Yes, as with the return of the man who taught my sister and me never to give up even on the dead. Our father Bart Bass." Chuck and I let Bart take the stage.

"Of course, none of this would have been possible without my children. So, thank you, Chuck and Ella, for keeping my seat warm. So, starting today, I will be partnering with the one person who has always had the companies best interest. My daughter Ella Bass." The whole room was cheering and I was frozen in my place. Bart said he was going to give me time to decide if I wanted this or not and here he goes deciding for me. Chuck storms off the stage furious that he was left out. I wanted to run and tell him I had no idea but Bart and the rest of the reporters swarmed me.

Redemption [3]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant