What Are We Thankful For?

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Sorry for the long wait in between updates. We're almost to the end of this trilogy and it makes my heart happy reading your comments on how much you love Ella and her story. Please enjoy.

Everything has been falling apart for our blended messed up family. Bart and Chuck are doing everything they can to one-up each other. Bart has been keeping eyes on Chuck's every move wanting to stay one step ahead of him. Lily has taken Bart's side on this issue to show her loyalty to her husband. To get away from all the craziness Carter and I have decided to spend the Thanksgiving holiday away from the city as a short vacation from our busy lives. Carter is getting out of his meeting early so Arthur can drive us to this bed and breakfast for our weekend getaway. I'm quickly making sure we have everything we need for a blissful vacation. I hear the front door open and thank the lord that Carter got off early. I wanted to beat the afternoon traffic before it got worse.

"Hey, babe I have a nice suit packed and two of your favorite shirts. I just need..." I look up and notice it's not Carter but Serena instead.

"Sorry, for coming unannounced I wanted to catch you before you left."

"Oh, it's no problem S. I'm still packing but come on in. Would you like something to drink or..."

"What are your Thanksgiving plans?"

"Uh, well Carter and I were going away for a few days at this bed and breakfast and Arthur and his wife were going to join us with their children for a horseback ride. Why do you ask?" Serena has this look on her face that she has this grand plan and wants everyone to be on board with her.

"How would you like postponing that trip for one day?"

"S, Carter and I already made plans and..." Serena reaches for my hands and holds them tight. I haven't seen her this excited about anything since her first date with Dan.

"Please, reconsider. Dan and I are back together and want to through Thanksgiving this year. We would love for you and Carter to be there. Arthur can come too if he would like with his family."

"S, this isn't just up to me I have to see if Carter..."

"But if you like the idea of spending the holidays with us then he will love it too. Come on E, I want this Thanksgiving to be different. And if you're worried about Bart and Chuck it's all good. My mom and Bart have decided to go out of the country and spend the holiday together. Please, it would make me the happiest person in the world if you would agree to come." Serena keeps her puppy dog face as she continues to plead with me. "Please, I will make sure there will be a pecan pie specifically for you."

"I guess if you're going through the trouble of reserving pie I will think about it."

"Ella, that is..."

"I said think about it S. I have to talk things over with Carter."

"I'm sure he will say yes and I can't wait to see you." Serena hugs me.

"I mean it S, don't get your hopes up he could disagree with me and..."

"But make him see that today you both should be with friends and family."

"But you all dislike Carter."

"What we do..."

"Chuck and Nate can barely contain their eye roles when his name is brought up. Dan still doesn't understand who Carter is and you and Blair both dumped him because you didn't like him."

"But that was in the past. We've all grown up since then and if he makes you happy that is all that matters. Please try to reason with him. I really want you there."

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