Aftermath of the Crash

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This chapter will give an insight to what happened to Ella after last chapter's cliffhanger. Were any of your right about what happened?

"Hey, happy almost New Year. I hope you're coming to the Spectator party tonight."

"Well, after Nate finally forgave me for diminishing him to half a Derek in my book, I'm not gonna miss this chance to support him."

"Good, then you can help me with my year in review lists. I need the biggest transformation."

"Oh, about you? From busting Ben, out of prison to being the biggest blogger in New York City, complete with a new computer."

"Oh, well, you can thank Gossip Girl disappearing for that. People are just desperate for information, even if it's just about me and my lack of New Year's date."

"Well, I'm sure that will make all the men at the party supremely happy. Have you seen Blair? Is she around?"

"Uh, she's not. Were you supposed to meet her?"

"No, I just heard she was back in town. I wondered how she was doing."

"Well, I wish I knew. She's been keeping to herself lately. She wouldn't even let me go with her to Vera Wang for her gown fitting. I mean she did ask Ella to go with her, but..."

"I guess what happened to them after the crash they've gotten closer and..."

"Yeah, and surprisingly Ella has been the opposite of Blair. She's been more open than ever before. I feel like this New Year we will defiantly see a new Ella Bass." Dan and I turn our heads to see Nate walk through the door. I've been staying at Eleanor's while Ella is moving all of our things to a new apartment one that is in the middle between the Upper West and East Side.

"Nate, hey, were you waiting downstairs? I'm sorry, I'm almost ready."

"Oh, good. We just need to meet the caterer. Hey, Dan, glad to see ya. You know, inside didn't make it into our year's best book list. I'm sorry, dude."

"Well, it's probably best to keep it in 2011. It's a new year, new book."

"What's this one about?"

"I don't know yet. Which could be why I haven't started writing it."

"You should consider, um having it set in Alaska or maybe make I a period piece?"

"I vote for anything you don't have to write behind your friends back or imagining marrying your friend's girlfriend.

"Listen, even if it's about Frankenstein in the old west, I promise you full disclosure."

"Sounds like a New Year's resolution to me."

"Hey, man how's Ella been doing lately. We've texted but she's been so busy we haven't had a chance to meet in person."

"She has her moment when she goes back to that night and gets sad and doesn't want to talk, but after giving her a little space she opens up about it and it's helped having her stay with Chuck and I while she moves into a new apartment."

"E, living with you and Chuck." I had no idea that she moved in with them.

"Yea, it took some convincing before she did, but it's been great having her. The only downside I have no room in my closest." I can't help to laugh at Nate's comment.

"I mean she is a supermodel and has a lot of clothes."

"It's not the clothes that are an issue, it's the number of shoes she has. It's unbelievable how many pairs of heels and other heels..."

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