Bart or Bastard

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Get ready for drama to come in the next few chapters. You will cry possibly at the end of one of them.

I came back from the bed in breakfast so relaxed and ready to be back in the city. I wanted to catch up on work and get back to class but that would have to wait. I barely make it to my apartment before I'm getting frantic texts and calls from Blair.

"B, what is going on that you..."

"Ella, listen to me. Bart somehow has evidence that Nate forged business numbers and... uh well, Nate was just taken down for booking and..."

"Bart had Nate arrested!" I scream not understanding what he's doing. "Is Nate okay?"

"We don't know. They won't let us see him and we worry he won't be let out. Bart will only get him released if we stop trying to ruin him."

"So, that's his game. Blackmail us so he can continue to go around like the lying bastard he is!"

"Ella, if anyone can talk to him it's you."

"No worries, B I will talk to the bastard." I call Bart's assistant for his whereabouts and hail a taxi so I can give him a piece of my mind.

I find him back at his place where Lily won't come back since she's afraid of him. "What in the hell is wrong with you? You lying piece of shit!!!!" I walk into the living room not caring who is there. I see Dan looking back at me uncomfortable and Bart less than amused.

"Yes, Ella please come in. Danial and I were just talking about him possibly living in this building."

"Did you have Nate arrested?" Bart smooths out his suit.

"What that troubled boy has done has no concern with you."

"Like hell it does! Nate is family to me and you just wrong him like that! How dare you!"

"I'm sorry Danial for my daughter's outburst she's..."

"Shut the hell up Bart. You're pissed that we know what you've done and want the world to know you're not this generous person you make yourself out to be. You're a killer!"

"That's enough Ella. If you have a problem with me you can take it up with me in private." Bart stands up to face me but I'm not backing down.

"Why are you afraid Dan is going to know what a liar you are and then he'll write an expose on what you've done."

"Danial wouldn't do that."

"And I didn't think you would be this much of an ass."

"You can thin all you want about me, Ella. But everything I've done has been for you."

"No everything you've done has been for yourself! You care for no one else!"

"I'm sorry you see me this way, Ella. I hope you will still come tonight."

"Why would I go to an event honoring a killer?"

"Because if you don't Nathanial will root in that cell for the rest of his life. And between the two of us, he won't make it long."

"This is what gives you joy, running people's lives."

"I didn't want to do this, but Chuck gave me no other choice."

"You could be a man and talk to your son rather than try to destroy him!"

"And what lesson will that prove. Charles needs to know what it's like to lose everything or he will never become the man he needs to be."

"Go to hell Bart!" I storm off trying to catch the elevator so I wouldn't have to look at him. The elevator comes and I walk in wanting to be as far away from him as possible. Someone's hand stops the door.

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