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Get ready for a tone of drama. Thank you for all the support and stay tuned for more excitment to come.

Everything is going not how I expected for my first book launch. Alessandra has me hiding in the study until it's time to announce me as the author. I've been stuck signing copies of my book with no one to talk to and my nerves are out of this world. No one has shown up that I know and it's making me think my book that is made of fiction is becoming my reality.

"Nate, hey, are you here? My agent has me locked in the study. Please tell me the party is good."

"I decided not to come." I was shocked that Nate would miss this event that means so much to me.

"What? Why? Is everything okay?"

"No, dude. It's not."

"What? I thought you..."

"Derek? Really? I can't believe I'm not even important enough to merit my own character. I'm one of your best friends, Dan. At least I thought I was."

"No, every writer condenses people for better dramatic effect. Hemingway did it, uh, Joseph Mitchell did it. It's you know..."

"Did they also try and steal the girl you love."

"What are you talking about?"

"I confided to you about my feelings for Ella and you told me to let her go until the time was right!"

"Nate, man the characters in my book are not real they..."

"Dan, you made my character gay which I'm cool with. But you made your character fall in love with the character based on the girl who I love more than anything. You don't see something wrong with that?"

"I uh. Well when I wrote it, it just seemed that my..."

"That you should be with Ella more than me! You know what the only good thing has she dumped your ass in the book and now I'm dumping you in real life!" Blair and Serena barge into the study visibly upset.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Humphrey!"

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop by. Nate, I gotta call you back cause Blair and Serena are here."

"Oh, right, because they're more important. Which is why they got their own characters."

"No, wait." Nate hangs up on me not giving me a chance to explain myself. "Nate is..."

"Furious? Yeah, because I am." Serena yells at me.

"And I'm more furious. If that's even possible." Blair joins in on yelling at me.

"I could lose my job over this."

"I could lose my fiancé!"

"Wait. What? I didn't read your parts."

"He wrote that we had sex!"

"You slept with Dan?"

"No, you really think I would do that?"

"It's not what you think."

"Is this true?" Honestly, I don't know why Serena is upset over the idea of me having sex with Blair. We haven't dated in years and she acts like she has some claim over me.

"Of course, it's true." We all turn to see Louis has now entered the study and is pissed at me. "Therefore, you had me kill your story. And why you asked me not to read it. I came here because I thought my suspicions ridiculous. Turns out the only thing ridiculous is me. I should have known."

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