Being a Boss

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Enjoy some more Carter and Ella. I know some are upset while others are happy that he's back. Reminder that no matter who Ella ends up at the end I will write alternate ending books that expand more on certain relationships.

Bart kept to his words and left me to run Bass Industries international sector on my own. He took his summer to rekindle his relationship with Lily. I'm happy that they were able to come back together stronger than before. It was sad for me to see Rufus go but his marriage with Lily was hitting rock bottom for months now. Neither one wanted to compromise for the other and I understand they had different beliefs and lifestyles. The only thing I wish for them was happiness now that they're separated and to be civil with one another.

To keep to my word on staying away from city drama I gave my old phone to my new assistant Fiona to keep tabs on in case anyone needed to reach m and got a new number specifically for work. I traveled and actually got to revisit places that I love and was finally living my best life. I had daily meetings in whatever country I was in for the company and I reported back to Bart on our success and some failures every forty-eight hours. Overall I was in charge of my own life and making it a great one. Carter kept his word and we would see each other from time to time. It was great to see a familiar face from back home and to hear about his business ventures made me proud of how much he's grown.

"Ms. Bass, Mr. Baizen is flying in and wants to know what time for dinner?" Fiona asks me as I'm getting prepped for a photoshoot with the company I'm the face of.

"Tell him I'm done at 6."

"Should I have him meet you at your hotel or the restaurant..."

"Have him meet me here at the shoot location. I have to fly back to Paris tonight."

"Will do." I followed the photographer and his staff to the set and began my shoot. Surprisingly Bart had no issues with me being a face of a lingerie brand, in fact, he encouraged me to sign the contract. He wanted me to be happy in my career and if this is what I wanted to do he was on board with it. Even with my life getting back on track I've missed my friends back home. Chuck and I text here and there saying hello but nothing more. Neither one of us wants to admit that we're sorry and wrong for how we ended things.

"Ella, right there. Yes, arch your back more." The flashing lights illuminate the whole room as I strike a new pose every five seconds. Makeup and hair stylist rush to me for touch ups before we move to the next set were I'm placed in another set of lingerie. "Ella, more to the left. Right there. More of that." I'm laying on my stomach with my back arched trying to look sexy but most of all I'm thinking of what I want for dinner.

I'm craving some steak

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I'm craving some steak. "Okay, I think we got it. That's a wrap everyone." The photographer ends the shoot and I head over to Fiona to see Carter in her place.

"If I knew this is what you were shooting I could have come back later." I bump his shoulder as I lead him back to the changing area.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before and it's my job. I'm not worried about you seeing me like this since these photos will be on billboards back home and all over the world."

Redemption [3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora