“Answer my question, Algol.”

“Don't call me that, sir,” Caelum said flatly. “I prefer Caelum.”

“And I prefer to be at home with my wife and kids ― look at us.” He was quiet, “Tell us what you did to him.”

“Have I been charged with a crime yet?” He asked.

“Other than being an accessory to assault,” Watson noted.

“I didn't lay a hand on Principal Davis.”

“You didn't stop him either.”

“You expect me to help save the life of the same man who tried to take mine?” He asked, “You expect me to help the man who would beat me every other night, rape me, make me do things for him that still keeps me up at night? You expect me to help that kind of man?”

“I expect you to be the better person and not hurt him,” York said.

“I never touched Principal Davis,” Caelum hissed. “My skin never came in contact with his. My hands never touched him.”

“Then why is he in a coma?”

“We're getting nowhere,” Caelum sighed. “We'll be arguing for hours.”

“And we will until we get some answers,” Watson snapped. Then, the door opened.

Caelum looked over, two men stepped in, one was blonde with his hair combed back and a bit pudgy. But he had a smile on his face and wore a suit. The other was taller, leaner, and had on an identical suit and a straight face. However, he had on a pair of completely black spectacles and held a black walking stick. He was blind.

“Foggy,” York greeted, “Matt. What are you doing here?”

“We're here to represent him,” the first man said.

“I never asked for a lawyer,” Caelum said immediately. Much less, two. He didn't have a job, he couldn't pay for this!

“We know,” The other man said, the leaner one. “But a friend of ours asked us to help you. We can discuss financials later.” Caelum stared at the man, remembering how Principal Davis liked to 'discuss’ financials. He didn't want to go through that again, he didn't want to get hurt again.

“Who asked you to come?” Watson asked suspiciously. It was a very recent case, who would know to come and help him?

“Mahoney,” the bigger man said. “He advised us here. Do you mind if we speak with our client alone?”

“No, I don't want you here,” Caelum said immediately, his heart thundering. “I don't need a lawyer.”

“You're a minor, kid,” Watson said, standing up straight. “You'll need to ask your parents that.” Caelum wanted to throw something. He sat farther in his seat as the two men left leaving him in the room with the lawyers, alone.

Caelum was terrified, but he tried not to show it. He stared at his hands, which were shaking. “Let's start off with names,” the kinder lawyer said. “I'm Foggy Nelson and this is my partner, Matthew Murdock. Your name is. . .” He flipped through a paper. “Algol Forest?”

Caelum,” he said, trying not to winced at the name.

“Caelum, alright. Can you tell us what happened, Caelum?”

“I don't need a lawyer,” he said again.

“Why?” Matthew asked.

“I can't. . .” he swallowed, “I can't pay for one. I can't afford it.”

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