Falling For You Forever

Start from the beginning

"Babe, it's okay to take a breath in between." He teases.

"Not when beef tastes this good." I moan in enjoyment as I savor each bite.

"Damn I love you so much." He leans over and kisses me.

"Momma!!!!" Charlotte is running over with a balloon animal in hand. "Look what I have!!!"

"Beautiful baby. Where did you get that?"

"Uncle Dan made it for me and Henry." I see Henry showing Chuck his balloon dog.

"Can we get a family picture?" Our photographer asks.

"Come here, darling." Carter scoots over so that Charlotte can sit between us. She is beaming when the camera starts flashing.

"Beautiful." The sound of glass clinking gets our attention.

"Now as Ella's sister and sister-in-law we would like to announce the time for a slide show." Serena and Blair are beaming with pride as they are ready to embarrass me.

"Did you okay this?" I ask Carter as I move Charlotte to my lap so she can get a better look.

"I may have given them a few photos but uh..."

"Now Carter and Ella may have grown up in the same circle of Upper East Side Elite. She was the daughter of a powerful businessman and he came from a family of old money and traditions. Both were brought up to strive for the best and accept nothing less. But what they never expected was to find love in the person they would least expect." Photos of Carter and me as children flood the screen. Bringing tears to my eyes as I see Chuck and me at such a young age. There's photos of me, Blair and Serena at one of our first Eleanor Waldorf shows. We were so young and naïve to the life that was ahead of us. Who could have known that those three little girls would go through so much heartbreak and challenges but no matter what guy came in and out of our lives we still found our way back to each other. Love is a funny thing. People like to think those who you love most will be those you marry or chose to build a life with, but what they lack understanding is the need to have a strong backbone of true girlfriends who will stand with you no matter what.

"I remember when Ella first told us about her love for Carter. Blair and I never saw such true happiness from her. We all warned her that Carter may not be good for her but she and he have shown us how wrong we are. He may have done questionable things but we've all made mistakes in our lives and if the love that Carter and Ella have for each other is that love is no easy. If we gave up on the person we love because they wronged us we may never find that they are the person we are meant to be with. I have been in awe of the love Ella and Carter have for each other. I never thought I could witness such a pure love that I believe will withstand the test of time." The slideshow now presents photos of Carter and me together. One from my cotillion where Carter and I shared our first dance. There are photos from Carter and my adventures in Greece, France and all over the world.

Charlotte keeps whispering from Carter and I asked if it's us in the photos. She loves seeing us on the big screen. I wouldn't change anything. Having her has changed my life in ways I can't explain. All I know is she made me the best version of myself that I could possibly be. Before I know what's going on music is blaring from the speakers.

"What music is this?" I ask Carter who I notice is not sitting next to me. I have no idea where he is but then I see him. He comes basically prancing out to the dance floor. He's making moves that I've never seen. He's always been a horrible dancer but now he's letting loose and I can't hide my excitement.

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